Room With a View

Room with a View

From the first moment of life with eyes wide open we are directed to view the outside world in life. Eyes given as the projector to see life around our surroundings first, absorbing sounds and actions in our environment and then returned to the inner senses for processing, looking beyond and bringing within for analysis. For an individual who is born without the sense of seeing or hearing senses a reversal is used in processing, feeling and analyzing from within to process what is not being seen or heard outside of themselves. Learning, an existence from a room with a view, as we grow and develop and sometimes compensate in many ways our way through the structure of mortality known as our physical life and times in this world.

Eyes are a window to the soul used in duality as observations lenses to intake all which is chosen to process, in a person born without sight the process differs in physical form though it is no less with the same achievement. Growing, learning and being encouraged to absorb our outside world. At the same time our world is constantly being observed through another set of eyes which are processing relative parts of self we are yet to see. Creating an intake and outtake of information and environment intertwined throughout humanity. We might immediately as a child understand the process of understanding the view in relation to how we feel and react in life, maybe over decades this becomes a realization or through our choice of observation in place before birth we might have chose never within a lifetime to understand the processing of cause and affect we create and display in the world, choices made on a spiritual level far before realizing on a physical level.

For each act there is a reaction in how we display our view in life, giving and getting a perspective and understanding relative to everything seen, said or done. Everything is energy, absolutely without separation. Light sent out into the universe does not pause or stop unless seemingly deflected by an object or interference which precludes the sending of the ray. The same light constantly reenters us each moment of our lives and beyond. Light is energy beaming without end, we are the receptor absorbing without end with the unseen being the filter for absorbing light and activity being received.

WE always hold the choice of our filtering system and the expansion from within to process life. Through observation and absorbing light energy we become aware of the process of bringing are cause and affect or unseen spiritual light into our awareness of being the processor and deciding if we choose to deflect or allow and accept as the recipient of our own cause and affect in a world of duality, we are dual processors. Anything and everything done by us, affects the stream of light being sent and received to others in how the stream of light is returned to our physical being.

Our words, deeds and actions continually affect the stream of energy and light in others; we can choose to be the caregivers or pain left to process each and every observer and recipient of light energy. Rarely in either choice do we fully understand the levels of our choices in causing and affecting the stream of energy and to do so we become internal accountants of our existence, processing and filtering actions and reactions according to the emitting we are responsible for and symbolically creating a room with a view and choosing either to be inside looking out from the window or being outside looking into the window. What would you see from each view? If you looked into your own eyes today, who are you and is it the person you choose to be? This same observation is made of you within each moment of your life by another who sees you. Take a few moments each day to see yourself through internal eyes. Change, allow, deflect and redirect the beam you absorb and return to your world, collecting, creating and enhancing a better world.


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