Labels used in life to define our personal belief system, which we are, what we do or how we love become limitations seen and judgments through perceptions of another. Upon meeting another person regardless of knowing further definition we make a choice in the moment on feeling rather than perceiving how a further knowing of this person would influence our life.
Oh how the perception can change when a new face is immediately defined with a sub-category of religion or thought belief which is not embraced in your own thought. You might meet “Tom” at a gathering and have a great interaction, though how would the meeting be held in thought if “Tom” introduced himself as “Hi, I’m Tom - Muslim and homosexual”, judgment in some would tend to flare with communication ceasing in a belief that “Tom” would not be a person you chose to know further, due to the definition of labels rather than the definition of heart in meeting this person?
How many displeasures, in your life do you easily define with the labels attached to the displeasure and how many of those labels removed would give you less cause to be displeased?
In today’s world as many cycles of creation lines between religion and spiritual thought are creating great balloons of separation flowing apart. WE choose our labels and WE choose the expression of definition in our life. Nobody can truly label who you are without the consent of energy you have granted. You might say “Don’t define me or give a label to who I am!” Then how do you express your definition of self minus the label? Your energy defines who you are; your label adds density to who you are, creating a relative physical attribute for understanding in a mind sense rather than heart sense of value.
I have heard many say “I need to express and define who I am” – great though at the same time are you really choosing to create a limitation of a larger self or affirming to yourself through public accepting or rejection your mortal self is stronger than your spiritual self in defining who you are? Our voice is a very strong energy center for expression and affirmation, how we choose to affirm in labeling creates possible barriers physically which were meant to be opened through energetic connection with others. We stand at the gate of expression, always choosing to either open the key or lock the door energetically, regardless of words said.
When a new face approaches you and energy runs hot or cool, your energy body has already sent you the signal to move forward or retreat, labels in turn can create a warm energy feeling to be replaced with a cold advancement, through perceptions already held via further labeling being attached. Whether “Tom” is Muslim or “Becky” is agnostic, before the label appeared you only recognized your energy body of reception to them. Listen to your own energy body, feel from the heart, remove the labels of definition and judgment and embrace humanity one face at a time each new day. Be open to learning without judgment and definition of a physical world and step into a higher sense of self without limitations. If a world was seen and held without labels – it only holds the truth.
Labels used in life to define our personal belief system, which we are, what we do or how we love become limitations seen and judgments through perceptions of another. Upon meeting another person regardless of knowing further definition we make a choice in the moment on feeling rather than perceiving how a further knowing of this person would influence our life.
Oh how the perception can change when a new face is immediately defined with a sub-category of religion or thought belief which is not embraced in your own thought. You might meet “Tom” at a gathering and have a great interaction, though how would the meeting be held in thought if “Tom” introduced himself as “Hi, I’m Tom - Muslim and homosexual”, judgment in some would tend to flare with communication ceasing in a belief that “Tom” would not be a person you chose to know further, due to the definition of labels rather than the definition of heart in meeting this person?
How many displeasures, in your life do you easily define with the labels attached to the displeasure and how many of those labels removed would give you less cause to be displeased?
In today’s world as many cycles of creation lines between religion and spiritual thought are creating great balloons of separation flowing apart. WE choose our labels and WE choose the expression of definition in our life. Nobody can truly label who you are without the consent of energy you have granted. You might say “Don’t define me or give a label to who I am!” Then how do you express your definition of self minus the label? Your energy defines who you are; your label adds density to who you are, creating a relative physical attribute for understanding in a mind sense rather than heart sense of value.
I have heard many say “I need to express and define who I am” – great though at the same time are you really choosing to create a limitation of a larger self or affirming to yourself through public accepting or rejection your mortal self is stronger than your spiritual self in defining who you are? Our voice is a very strong energy center for expression and affirmation, how we choose to affirm in labeling creates possible barriers physically which were meant to be opened through energetic connection with others. We stand at the gate of expression, always choosing to either open the key or lock the door energetically, regardless of words said.
When a new face approaches you and energy runs hot or cool, your energy body has already sent you the signal to move forward or retreat, labels in turn can create a warm energy feeling to be replaced with a cold advancement, through perceptions already held via further labeling being attached. Whether “Tom” is Muslim or “Becky” is agnostic, before the label appeared you only recognized your energy body of reception to them. Listen to your own energy body, feel from the heart, remove the labels of definition and judgment and embrace humanity one face at a time each new day. Be open to learning without judgment and definition of a physical world and step into a higher sense of self without limitations. If a world was seen and held without labels – it only holds the truth.