
Attending his brother’s elementary school Fun Fair, 16 year old Austin spent the moments elapsing into a two hour span, with 6 year old Aidan. Eventful fun many times through the years for Austin and yet a new event in the life of his little brother still to be explored and experienced. As many teenagers might do, Austin observed his brother play in silliness jumping on a Moonwalk and knocking stacks of cans from a pile. Thoughts being present, yet traveling too times past in his own life; progressing through the elementary years of life as he aged beyond the hallways now being traveled by his younger sibling. Last stop of their adventure through the fair being the sixth grade rooms Austin remembered so well and surprised to be greeted by a teacher of those years who decided to show today for the fair again, no longer employed in the school and by chance a student and teacher who appreciated each other equally found a special moment to reconnect.

Crossing the threshold of one last event of the day, each brother completed a moment together and walked away with a prize, separate in age and ability – yet in this nano space of eternity, equal. Filing down the hallway to exit, they both paused for a moment and looked into the principal’s office together. One, having passed this moment in time and space and the other only embarking, where would their thoughts be, in observing a room which had not changed yet evolved and will evolve through the moments still to be viewed.

Perception is truly unique through the eyes of the observer, we may read the same headlines, walk the same streets and attend the same events in life, together visually and miles away from each other in perception. Viewing windows and rooms throughout our existence, a collection of thoughts through the perception which is seen and processed according to the beliefs and knowledge we hold related to the world as we know it too exist. Variance of knowledge directly related to the view we observe changes the perception, without right or wrong; only held in a form we understand in any given moment of existence. In a world choosing to allow perception, rather than judging perception as right, wrong, or different the choices made in response to individual perception could change the face of societies. Embracing the believer rather than the belief and allowing religious freedom from the point of perception rather than refusing to accept the believer as they hold a different thought than our own.

“Oneness” being a term of our times, creating a sense we are all one and each should embrace all as being themselves. My own perception understands the premise and use of the term, although I also hold my own belief each of us was created to be individual with the ability to respect all individuals of this world in all forms without a sense of duplicating in the process, learning to experience all forms of perception without judgment – yet with discernment to accept or reject how direct the influence of one to another is absorbed also. Cellular activity is a classic representation of the ability to accept without losing form, only enhancing our form creating a betterment of the cellular structure or allowing judgmental perceptions to eat way and mutate a structure of existence into a diseased form. Our choice, our world, our perception; either we embrace or choose to alienate our own reasons for existence. Ask questions, be open to answers, investigate and validate the perceptions you hold; reach out either in knowledge or addressing those who represent your darkest perceptions; each shadow is cast from the light it reflects, through all there is light – embracing your perceptions of shadows in your world will embrace the light cast upon the shadow in “Oneness” minus fear. We are one, we are observers and we are the light.


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