"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” Being one of the most remembered quotes of JFK from another time in our history today the quote is still relative in a time of recession. Looking back through history when times of change became present, whether political, economical or a result of nature, to survive people had to ask of themselves of how they would bring a difference. Pioneer times brought a migration of moving west into unknown territory, the Dustbowl brought migration to other parts of the nation, Great Depression found many migrating and relocating in areas where jobs might be present. In all cases, there were those that returned again to a region they felt was home and many that found “home” was more than a location with change created in forming a new structure in the legacy they rooted. What they did not do, was sit still and wait for life to be returned to what had been known previously, a move forward whether physically i...
Showing posts from January, 2010
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Are the disease/ailments in your life physical or spiritual? Blessed in Healing I write from my own experience rather than compiling the thoughts read of others for understanding. In our world it is routine to link a disease or ailment to physical cause, scientists search for explanation which relates the physical body to disease or ailments in your life. From my own experience in myself and working with others, manifestations of disease and ailments in this life, many times can be directly related to traumatic exits from previous lives. A musket blast during a previous war in time, manifesting as lung cancer in this lifetime, a torturous head gear placed on the head manifesting in this lifetime as severe facial pain, a swiftly consuming cancer or related disease in this lifetime being manifested from a swift consummation of life prior to incarnation. Severe female abdominal pain manifested from a harsh childbirth in a previous life. An inability to submerge in water manifested from...
Kelp or Diamonds
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Kelp or Diamonds When I write, I take from my own journey and make my attempt to put into words how I relate events in life to beliefs I hold, always the student in the process. This last week brought a death close to the heart once again. A cousin lost her battle with Sarcoma in a very short period of time from diagnosis to unfolding her wings. I was not aware she was sick, though many times over the last few months I thought about writing her, and then something else would occupy my thoughts once again. We are all born with a mission called life. Her mission was a social worker, aspects of who she was showed up as a very young child in how she thought and responded to others. Once when I was very young, my sister and I went to stay with my aunt and uncle and cousins for a week. One day after a walk to a park, her sister announced she wanted me to go home and my sister to stay, it was Sue who was younger than I was then opted maybe we should just walk home separately and it would b...
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http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/01/01/iraq.us.deaths/index.html Milestones http://www.yourdictionary.com/milestone milestone definition mile·stone ( mīl ′ stōn′ ) noun a stone or pillar set up to show the distance in miles to or from a specified place A significant or important event in history, in the career of a person, etc. The article being referred to in the link above stated no combat military deaths in Iraq in December up to this point in time. Three non-combat deaths were reported which is still saddening since many times these deaths are suicidal also by our military. I have also linked a definition to milestone, a word commonly used and very under rated in the contextual form represented. December presented a milestone in the Iraq war for not only our troops, also for the many, many family members associated with a family of a soldier. Milestones in life are the significant markers which become reference points of life events. Although a ...