"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”
Being one of the most remembered quotes of JFK from another time in our history today the quote is still relative in a time of recession. Looking back through history when times of change became present, whether political, economical or a result of nature, to survive people had to ask of themselves of how they would bring a difference.
Pioneer times brought a migration of moving west into unknown territory, the Dustbowl brought migration to other parts of the nation, Great Depression found many migrating and relocating in areas where jobs might be present. In all cases, there were those that returned again to a region they felt was home and many that found “home” was more than a location with change created in forming a new structure in the legacy they rooted. What they did not do, was sit still and wait for life to be returned to what had been known previously, a move forward whether physically in relocation, recreating a form of life and prosper and changing the fabric of their lives. What was became a tale retold by generations of a past existence.
Life is a process of moving forward, recreating and relearning with an acceptance and allowing the path to take you further in your pursuit, whether the design is known or unknown. As President Obama plans to present a State of the Union, “options” will be presented to be made available to the people of this country. Bills, laws and stimulus are options presented, options become successful when a choice is made to facilitate options into change. No government or party of democracy is the change in itself, the people are the change in choosing or rejecting options available.
Migration is difficult now, more so than in past times of history in relation at least minimally to expense. I personally believe that an option should be for the government to reimburse companies for relocation expenses for an employee to migrate, with stipulations or a contracted agreement if broken either way within a designated period of time, the money is due to be repaid. Investing in rebuilding lives and future choices being seen as attainable by many in this country and the small cost relatively to paid future taxes in future employment in also being guaranteed that everyone who chooses to pursue the option would receive at least a junior college education debt free.
We can change through the perspective of paying it forward throughout the levels of our life, with all being a recipient and future recipient repeatedly in life. Paying it “forward” also means a new start and allowing the past to be let go of. The feelings of distrust, anger and lack being replaced by trust, faith and knowing each of us can say “I am unlimited potential” each day of our lives.
Change comes from within first, complimented by the choice of options we embrace in living. What changes from within, sets in motion a change in all things outside of whom you are also, becoming a catalyst rippling through your existence and all that exist with you in your plan in life.
Reading the stories over many months, those who have brought significant changes to their lives are those who went within their thoughts, feelings and ideas with an expression to bring what was within to the world outside of their self, whether the idea was for a new product, new location or new way of relearning and finding a part from within successfully transformed outside of the thought by doing and taking action.
Action may be a service, product or desire of change moved forward into the reality of options available in the process of life, not just of government. Allowing in some cases for the government to assist you, rather than waiting inactively for the government to be the assistance. When you wait on any outside resource to determine your level of assistance, you once again move from “I am unlimited potential” to “I choose to be limited potential”. Don’t ask today what your country can do for you, ask what you can do with the options available to you, as you live, reside and exist in your country. Take action on who you are, moving forward and not seeing limits in your potential.
What is the state of your union today with mind/body/spirit, and how will government with options/advantages/ideas join you in your potential lifetime change?
Safety should be considered first when granting parole
Today the city of Kansas City, KS is mourning the loss of detective Brad Lancaster, Hearing a call for assistance he was one of the first on the scene regarding a possible car jacking and in responding was shot and killed by a man who had received early parole, serving less than a year of a sentence and released. To hear this made me sick inside, another criminal paroled only to commit murder shortly after wards. A friend of mine in 2004 was left butchered in her flower garden by a man who she had put in prison for domestic violence who had been paroled on good behavior and was seen as not being a threat to society. Both paroled by the State of Kansas early. If records were looked at, these are probably not isolated incidents. Robin left children and grandchildren in this world, Detective Lancaster left a family, and two small children as well. Anyone who has known somebody who has been murdered does not forget. If anything is to come of these tragedies I would hope and pray t...