Are the disease/ailments in your life physical or spiritual?
I write from my own experience rather than compiling the thoughts read of others for understanding.
In our world it is routine to link a disease or ailment to physical cause, scientists search for explanation which relates the physical body to disease or ailments in your life. From my own experience in myself and working with others, manifestations of disease and ailments in this life, many times can be directly related to traumatic exits from previous lives.
A musket blast during a previous war in time, manifesting as lung cancer in this lifetime, a torturous head gear placed on the head manifesting in this lifetime as severe facial pain, a swiftly consuming cancer or related disease in this lifetime being manifested from a swift consummation of life prior to incarnation. Severe female abdominal pain manifested from a harsh childbirth in a previous life. An inability to submerge in water manifested from a drowning in a previous life and fear of fire manifesting from a traumatic ending due to fire in a previous life.
Disease or ailments though thought to be physical in nature connected to spiritual imprints in your energy field manifested through connections being made throughout lifetimes unaware. Through a process of finding the relative connection between what is and what is thought to be not present, healing is initiated in the physical moment. Healing is not a process defined to only the physical, but also the spiritual imprint of your energy stream. I refer to this as a stream, for the unending presence which is always in motion throughout your existence without a past or present, it just is. To heal the spiritual imprint is to heal the physical stamp manifested from this imprint of trauma experienced.
Restoration and transformation is not always a physical healing in this lifetime, though the experience can be created to heal the imprint through the peace, knowledge and acceptance learned in the process with death recreated in a peace from a previous traumatic exit. When the process of healing is part of continuing the physical experience, healing is granted and restoration and transformation is created through seeing a “cure” on the imprint/disease/ailment in your life.
At times the process being viewed by witnessing another’s experience will bring the healing to your own imprint as well, if the peace and knowledge of the process is understood. Knowledge is experience, all other is data. From gaining the knowledge in our own being, our own imprints can also absorb and transform from the knowledge gained. Witnessing a painful death of an animal that is loved and understanding the peace of the exit, assists in healing this imprint or part of your own energy field. Experiencing peace from trauma raises and transforms energy and heals. All equates to gaining a higher knowledge of impossibilities being made possible in life.
Disease/ailments can also be created from our thought processes during our lifetime, feeling that a family predisposition to illness will be part of our own physical being and manifesting into the thoughts held, creating a physical disease/ailment from the strong intent which is legacy of a family strain. As this intent thought is held and created through the generations, it is then seen as a truth of disease rather than a strand of intent continually recreated. A cycle evolving through the intent which is held in place by belief, as in all forms felt to be productive or negative, you are what your thoughts created you to be.
Connecting the dots or flow of energy to intersect peacefully, rather than having traumatic breaks in the process allows trauma to manifests whereas peace flows energetically. When I work with healing, I work from the spiritual plane rather than the physical plane in gathering the knowledge to assist. We are all spiritual first and physical in appearance. The heart and soul of who you are, is much more than your reflection as it is seen in the mirror.


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