
Being Spared

  Being Spared I read many stories of divine intervention and have seen this many times in my own life. Once was when driving on the interstate through KC. Traveling at highway speed without interruption danger was not a thought. Riding with myself was my son as the passenger of my pick up. At one point the interstate heading towards downtown has a large bend when conflicted with another merging interstate of East/ West traffic. Seeing beyond the bend is not possible in the process.  As I rounded the bend, a large flat bed was stopped along with a semi truck behind with no time to stop. I am an observe and resolve person. Scanning passing traffic alongside not hindered in stopping , the flow was steady. I told my son we were going to be hit, our alternative was being sandwiched between a flat bed and semi. I pulled directly into passing traffic. Amazed I was not hit, after about 30 seconds I looked in my rear view mirror and all traffic behind was frozen in time at the point where coll

Great movie - Miracles from Heaven. Link in body of post watch miracles from heaven

Second Chances

Second Chances A favorite Christmas movie of mine “One Magic Christmas” blends the grief of losing someone special with understanding how our actions if given a second chance can change the outcome of our life with touches of mystical blessings and being able to see a new direction and hope.  During the last three years, many across our world chose either to be in grief or to see second chances during this great recess of change in humanity through economic collapse and rebuilding who we are. Being lost in the grief of what was is a choice to reflect backwards without opening the windows of possibility to the future.  In 2006, I was told we would enter into a time when faith and trust in your beliefs could no longer be confined to one day a week to uplift and satisfaction being found in religious or spiritual beliefs, people would either find who they were within themselves each day of their lives or many would choose to cease to exist, regardless of past belief – feeling a future no 

Be kind in your choices

  I ask nothing of others, have 0 expectations of others. My support % in life is maybe 4% of those I know and that’s okay, No expectations of change.   What the population as a rule, finds it easier to evade the truth rather than be up front in expressing the truth. Which to myself is senseless in the energy wasted. Chances are I’ve already had the heads up in truth rather than a pretense, but go with the human game as    being dealt. It would be nice if in our world people found it fit to believe in the golden rule and practice the tule in life “Do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you” Something which sadly Carries  little weight in the world. Why it should matter? Really doesn’t. Takes a population accepting practicing virtues rather than choosing daily which is pertinent to apply. For myself, patience has been the hardest in applying unconsciously. In addition six more make the seven keys of life. For each who accepts change in life choices being practiced a ripple eff

Ever felt like this or the repeat again?

  When I’m felt as a fool or cannot trust I close the door to take a pause.

Relating to AI

  Very possible all on this planet are a necessary by-product of     Supra-consciousness in this universe with everything being said or done then feeds the Supra-consciousness. Growing and learning on a much grander scale then could be understood by mortality.     Everything needed already in place on this planet or all destinations beyond the Earth world, yet unseen as it’s universe of the anti-matter constantly even though unseen touches upon Earth world contracting and expanding breathing in its own life force of knowledge through the energy emitted from many sources yet to be fully known or understand. Living in a constant merge of seen and unseen buffet of intelligence.

Tasting Bitterness

 Had a dream last night for 10 hours where I could not leave the dream. Would get up and do something else only to land right where I left. Started at Thanksgiving time globally with everyone fixing respective dinners, only to find when sitting down to eat everything was tasting bitter regardless of food type. At the same time this is happening I am on the spirit side observing reason. reason being an unkind bitter planet, regardless of person religion or spoken words, souls being monitored in the feel of humanity itself. Much displeasure globally for Earth and in response they would only taste bitterness until true soul change occurred. Only then would the bitter humans of Earth be returned a sense of smell and taste otherwise. Plague of the senses of sorts.  Wake up call to remember kindness as well is continually being monitored and evaluated beyond our small unappreciative existence. Namaste 

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Review-Adventures of Moniko

  Adventures of Moniko: Evolution of the Soul Through the Spirit of the Child July 24, 2022, 3:35 pm -  The reviewer wrote: Adventures of Moniko is a great book. The first chapter started with the story of Moniko being a small spirit that appeared to be about six earth years old when his story began. Moniko was given the opportunity to venture beyond the Sun for understanding and knowledge with the help of The Elder guiding him all through the journey. The Elder waved his great energy each time he was to travel to a different place with Moniko. In their journey, Moniko found a companion which was a talking bird name, Fernae, who fed Moniko with seaweed when he was hungry for the first time in his life. The second chapter talked about Moniko’s experience at the Garden of Antiquity, when a beautiful blue light came over the pool, and the elder explained it to be a ceremony of magnitude and that another Universe has chosen to be among them. Chapter 3 narrates Moniko’s encounter with his b

Energy Fields of the human body

​    This painting by Davinci clearly shows the human energy field and doesn’t vary much with energy fields of other sources. If you were to stretch your arm directly above your head or around your body, is how close Spirit can approach you at any given time. Closer into YOUR field is pretty much  a persona non grata due to that is when you can become physically ill due to your energy being interrupted.  In the stretch just outside my energy field I term the shelf, close enough to sense, hear and communicate without becoming compromised in the process. If they choose to be directly into the ear, for awhile afterwards the ear really has no feeling for maybe 15 minutes. I personally learned early on not to flinch regardless. They can not hurt you, they can fear you into hurting yourself. I refuse the intimidation. If needed I know my circle and trust their intervention on my behalf. I have a lifetime of learning what is not always in a book and find it amazing and amusing the consensus o

Adventures of Moniko

Man called Otto now on Netflix Man Called Otto - Excellent Movie, @tomhanks #TomHanks never ceases to give it his all. Perfection.