Tasting Bitterness

 Had a dream last night for 10 hours where I could not leave the dream. Would get up and do something else only to land right where I left.

Started at Thanksgiving time globally with everyone fixing respective dinners, only to find when sitting down to eat everything was tasting bitter regardless of food type. At the same time this is happening I am on the spirit side observing reason.

reason being an unkind bitter planet, regardless of person religion or spoken words, souls being monitored in the feel of humanity itself. Much displeasure globally for Earth and in response they would only taste bitterness until true soul change occurred. Only then would the bitter humans of Earth be returned a sense of smell and taste otherwise. Plague of the senses of sorts. 

Wake up call to remember kindness as well is continually being monitored and evaluated beyond our small unappreciative existence.



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