Perfectly Perfect !!

​Absolutely everything of this world came into being perfectly perfect!! Flawless with an internal GPS able to secure another perfectly perfect mate, whether human, creatures of land and sea, or elements sustaining our world - a match was given. When each can be seen as flawless in all senses, your soul is at home in each. 

For humans this very well may be a family member, a love taken, an animal which crosses paths with a desire to connect. All equal as planned before incarnation. Within this perfection lies a tie finally joined as one without end. Embrace the perfection of a flawless crossing. Finally being free to be and accepted without doubts or hesitations of the connection. Free to be without constriction or conjecture of changing or being changed. Perfection does not call for change. 

Flaws do not exist and Gods will has been done in completion. Titles no longer exist or show as needed. Two strings destined to join are now one continuous string, one heart and one soul are no longer separated. This is not intended to teach and learn, only to rest in knowing during a very short though period of this world. Be all you can be perfectly perfect. 




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