Energy Fields of the human body

   This painting by Davinci clearly shows the human energy field and doesn’t vary much with energy fields of other sources. If you were to stretch your arm directly above your head or around your body, is how close Spirit can approach you at any given time. Closer into YOUR field is pretty much  a persona non grata due to that is when you can become physically ill due to your energy being interrupted. 

In the stretch just outside my energy field I term the shelf, close enough to sense, hear and communicate without becoming compromised in the process. If they choose to be directly into the ear, for awhile afterwards the ear really has no feeling for maybe 15 minutes. I personally learned early on not to flinch regardless. They can not hurt you, they can fear you into hurting yourself. I refuse the intimidation.

If needed I know my circle and trust their intervention on my behalf. I have a lifetime of learning what is not always in a book and find it amazing and amusing the consensus of this world believes. The afterlife is within 8 feet at any given time. Plain and simple.




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