
Showing posts from September, 2013

When the student is ready, the teacher is here

An old phrase is "when the student is ready, the teacher will come." This week I celebrated another birthday along with questions of my own concerning where do I go from here. I watched as a friend on Face book has been edging towards liquidating all her spiritual tools she bought and loved as life entered a disease into her life, which she has not let go of yet. I do not have certificates covering the walls, modalities to impress spiritual groups of seekers. What I do have is the knowledge base, which has grown for many years from my guidance teaching me, to be a healer – first you need to heal thy self. If this can be done, you will know the healthy self you choose to be. It is time this year to step into being the teacher. Students will come with the need to know these words in strength of faith and trust from within, rather than finding adornment from outside of them. This is something I have done quietly for many years when the need arose; teaching others to touch into...

Goodbye Trouble

Years ago, I had a vision one afternoon of walking up a stone path to a beautiful building. As I walked the path, a huge tree stood not too far from the front doors. A voice, told me to pick anything from the tree I wished to carry with me. Looking at the tree, so much was available from fruits to objects and cradled on a branch I saw the head of an ancient. I chose the head and pulled it down from the tree. Looking into the face, I knew I had chosen wisdom to be with me as a gift from this great tree. Carefully cradling this head, I approached the building and entering into a long hallway leading back to a rotunda type room. In this room around the circular walls were many windows, each a view into another time and place. A great tree outside seemed to ground the energy for all which existed within this room and from this vision remained a sense of greatness in having many branches to provide and sustain all we have chosen to see and view. This past week our town lost a pillar...


Treat others the way you want to be treated Avoid insulting people or their culture Listen to what other people have to say Treat people with honor Respect can't be bought or sold Why is respect important?       Be nice to other people so they will be nice to you. Not too long ago, my 9 year-old grandson and myself spent an evening reading, talking, listening and learning the knowledge behind the word respect. Not only in our country, but cultures around the world.When children learn the knowledge of the world they take away a life lesson rather than a request to complete an instruction in using the word. I was not raised with demands of obedience, I was given life lessons with the consequences which result when knowledge is ignored for short term gain. This taught patterns to live by with the only "time out" being your own period of self-evaluation and resolution. Granted at 9 years old, my grandson will not choose to abide by respect each day - th...

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Discussion time

I have questions given to me all the time as part of the learning process. Though this might seem very elementary, it can also take a thought process down more than one road.  Do you think the pace determines the race? Scroll down and comment, the minds which visit the blog are far from elementary and expanding. Share your thought process.

Infinite Moments between disconnecting and reconnecting

Infinite Moments between disconnecting and reconnecting In a physical world, life becomes dependent on a heartbeat continuing in securing survival. Within every heartbeat, a signal to disconnect and reconnect completes the beat. Just as drum would strike, one beat, hesitates, and starts a new beat. The space in between each beat is the infinite disconnecting and reconnecting throughout life. A rough calculation of my own disconnect/reconnect moments in my own life to this point is 2,396,736,000... Almost 2.4 billion signals to disconnect with equal signals for the most part, to reconnect again. Seamless in expectation, as mortality only assesses a final heartbeat as being one rather than 2.4 billion. Staggering numbers to process in thought, in a world, this focuses on separation as being death without seeing renewal. This piece being written today examines the infinite moments of life and renewal and how a spiritual universe exists in the moment of disconnect or reconnect wh...

A trip down the street of childhood

I am not sure why, today I goggled my address I grew at for the first 12 years of my life. The house just to the right in this picture – seeing my street again decades after leaving this hobbit post WWII suburbia has made for an interesting day of remembering. In physical appearance, not much has changed. This street, in my life holds more ties to memories than being in the house. I lived for being outside, if the sun was up – it was time to get moving again. The town consisted of 6 streets and 100 homes and across the highway, which is just behind the houses, one truck stop, tavern, post-office, and half a dozen other homes were the roots of the original town. I filled my days on the back of a horse rather than a bike during this time. Summer time would heat the asphalt, which still seems to exist even now in covering the roadways.    If you followed this street down about three blocks, the street bent to the left – leading to the elementary school and old Baptist ...

[Marcus – An Experience in Spiritual Healing

All my life, if I turned my head to quickly either one direction or the other - a feeling of pain would shoot through my brain as if my neck was broken and would not flex, without understanding why. The pain would only last for seconds with my head going into a period of numbness for a few minutes. We all carry wounds of experiences over many life experiences, which reappear in many forms within a physical shell. At times I still feel the sting of my neck feeling somewhat detached in a state of energy rather than physically. Over a decade ago, I started seeing visions of a man standing in front of a huge set of French doors in a room. Looking out unto the grounds of his home as if in deep thought which froze him in a state of being motionless and yet knowing a message would come. The sight of the room never changed over almost four years, as if seeing from one angle with a tunnel vision in not experiencing any events in the room. Two years into seeing this vision, I was sitting on the...