When the student is ready, the teacher is here

An old phrase is "when the student is ready, the teacher will come." This week I celebrated another birthday along with questions of my own concerning where do I go from here. I watched as a friend on Face book has been edging towards liquidating all her spiritual tools she bought and loved as life entered a disease into her life, which she has not let go of yet.

I do not have certificates covering the walls, modalities to impress spiritual groups of seekers. What I do have is the knowledge base, which has grown for many years from my guidance teaching me, to be a healer – first you need to heal thy self. If this can be done, you will know the healthy self you choose to be. It is time this year to step into being the teacher. Students will come with the need to know these words in strength of faith and trust from within, rather than finding adornment from outside of them.

This is something I have done quietly for many years when the need arose; teaching others to touch into what is felt impossible to find a freedom from within and strength in stretching further. Therefore, in this year of my life, I will be the student I have always been, yet allowing myself to teach others bring the healing from within to outside of who they might have thought they were in greater focus, faith, and trust. Therefore, it is done.


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