
Showing posts from December, 2012

Burning Bush

Watching the documentary of Christiane Amanpour, a segment spoke of the burning bush which is said to be the same Moses seen on fire as God spoke to him "the bush which burned but was not consumed". Today the bush is surrounded by stone at the Monastery in keeping visitors from taking fragments of the bush. We all hold the burning bush inside of our physical being, cooled from the fires - yet ready to ignite and cleanse. Spirit fire of our spiritual existence in a physical world. Embodying and yet holding a link being spiritual first in a mortal existence of our choice. Moses perception of being spoken to, rather than being the bush; interpreted the messages as being from outside of him or in God form symbolic of a burning bush. Ark of the Covenant physicality being seen as a mystery of location opposed to the embodiment which was said of being given. Having been through a burning bush being ignited from within, a cool flow it was not. A fire from within I was sure...

Christiane Amanpour "Back to the Beginnings"

Christiane Amanpour "Back to the Beginnings" documentary I have watched the documentaries hosted by Christiane Amanpour and would like to know your opinion of the segments. I found them more historically based in discovery, rather than Christian based according to perception of biblical times.  I would like to hear your comments or points of discussion in relation to the segments, possibly something which stood out or even an ah hah moment you would not have expected. If your a reader and enjoy discussion, use the comment box and join in. If you have not seen the segments, the link above in the title will take you to the site. Linda

Counting My Blessings

Merry Christmas to all! This song tonight seemed to be a perfect fit as the holiday season of 2012 is winding down. Many great memories from this Christmas season for myself and my family. Count your blessings each day, then start anew in wonder. Namaste' Linda

A tribute to the new angels from Happy Hook


Emotional Detachment – Unbalanced

Emotional detachment has been part of spiritual teachings and growth for a long period, releasing from the ego and emotional body in reaching clearer understanding on a higher level. In becoming emotionally detached, being the observer gives clarity beyond just engaging as a participant and seeing beyond a very small picture and viewing the larger picture without attachment. Throughout this last year and including the massacre in CT this week, with the deaths of 6 adults and 20 children unbalanced emotional detachment concluded in destruction rather than assisting others. When emotional detachment is used at a level compliant to lowering rather than raising the energy in an individual, the outcome of chaotic thought processing minus all compassion for humanity leaves imprints throughout the ages in an instant. I am well aware of the spiritual influence in this world who would say the acts of tyranny against others across the USA this year were somehow meant to be. I disa...

My thoughts on the Winter Solstice of 2012

Our world has been wondering and creating thoughts on what could occur on this winter solstice of 2012 as the Mayan Calendar is said to have ended. Here are a few of my own. What exactly were the Mayans creating with the calendar? Being a tool of measuring events in the progression of time with events of the future being given as on any calendar we use today is projection of time into a form of movement and anticipation in our future. Used to create future events in our own lives, record and remember and with the calendar, we create the future and daily store a record of the past. A tool significant to movement and anticipation being recorded for future use. My mother used to have a large monthly paper calendar which would hang on a wall, not only recording events – though also used regularly to jot notes of the day to be remembered later at a glance. Diary on a wall, when she might have forgotten in the future she would look back and smile through the events in her life. In a physical...