Emotional Detachment – Unbalanced
Throughout this last year and including the massacre in CT this week, with the deaths of 6 adults and 20 children unbalanced emotional detachment concluded in destruction rather than assisting others. When emotional detachment is used at a level compliant to lowering rather than raising the energy in an individual, the outcome of chaotic thought processing minus all compassion for humanity leaves imprints throughout the ages in an instant.
I am well aware of the spiritual influence in this world who would say the acts of tyranny against others across the USA this year were somehow meant to be. I disagree; with the belief, each moment is a moment of change and renewal – without destiny in some form being a concrete placement in unalterable fate. Free will is the will of all, when responsibility or the ability to stand accountable to self, results in the elimination of free will of another – this was not God's will, this was free will emotionally detached and unbalanced. Regard for another was lost in self-absorbed destruction.
All factors related to a path of destruction which leads to massacre may never be known, though we all know the imprint will remain not only for those injured/killed/related to those involved, but also for each and every human being who felt in that moment the pain of the act itself. Numbers, which could never be tallied for generations to come. For each tear shed, also a blessing was released in knowing the humanity of our world still is touched heart and soul by another in the time of loss or suffering. The tears, which came from within unprompted and acknowledged.
In life experience we are given birth with a power of three being conscious/unconscious and super-conscious as one. None meant to be detached or separated from the other in any form. Our emotional body is part of our conscious being, with the linking to the unconscious and super-conscious bringing the soul reactions through emotions. Attempting to "live" in detachment of any form, creates the unbalanced rather than balance, as if a shield surrounding your energy field has locked the pathways of intersection between knowing better and doing better. Leaving a person open to being detached from knowing or caring of an outcome.
The ability to detach emotionally for a period for the higher outcome for another creates an overview and ability to work for a greater good, with still allowing the free will of another. "Living" in an emotionally detached state of being, is living without a need for compassion – this was never intended as experiencing life itself.