My thoughts on the Winter Solstice of 2012

Our world has been wondering and creating thoughts on what could occur on this winter solstice of 2012 as the Mayan Calendar is said to have ended. Here are a few of my own. What exactly were the Mayans creating with the calendar? Being a tool of measuring events in the progression of time with events of the future being given as on any calendar we use today is projection of time into a form of movement and anticipation in our future. Used to create future events in our own lives, record and remember and with the calendar, we create the future and daily store a record of the past. A tool significant to movement and anticipation being recorded for future use. My mother used to have a large monthly paper calendar which would hang on a wall, not only recording events – though also used regularly to jot notes of the day to be remembered later at a glance. Diary on a wall, when she might have forgotten in the future she would look back and smile through the events in her life. In a physical sense, time was the event of the day and yet the anticipation in notes for the future.

At this time, I have seen people being repositioned in their lives, cross country moves being made, jobs being changed and travel being completed which had either came from deep planning or just impromptu from circumstances in their lives now. Many might say when they see images of lines at missions for the homeless, how could this be repositioning for the future when they only have a day at a time to survive and be safe? They only have one direction regardless and that is reaching higher. The hospital worker in England this past week who took her life after being pulled into a wreck less prank, how could this be perfect positioning for her? The choice of the station and her choice will be remembered in the change in how media affects future events and accountability, which has lacked for some time in this world, she changed lives for the better in the future. Bless her on her journey.

In the dream state, I am one who returns to a number of dreams, which could be parallels to this life. Places well known, yet not of this physical experience – many that include those I know in this world and others, which are of a different circle of souls. Throughout this last year, as I return to the parallels resolutions have been found in the dream worlds which were ongoing in those particular dream states for a very long time creating an alignment which stretches beyond just this physical experience.

For Winter solstice 2012, the key is alignment of the physical/spiritual/whole of her you are. Reaching that moment of alignment will change the course of choices in a new cycle. Beyond the Mayan calendar and into the new NOW, it could be the message was not in creating an ending of physical, but an ending and beginning of one cycle into another. Not in death and destruction or a mass ascension; in alignment and choices of how we view time from this point on and if time as it is known will change in how it is recorded. Time is a perception and used as such in our records we create just as this was to the Mayans. Mayans chose to record a point in a future unknown according to an alignment on this date rather than the events of this date.

Only you can reflect on the events of your lives in the recent past and recognized prompts/events/changes, which have brought you to this moment of alignment. It might seem the timing is perfect now or disastrous, in the alignment of your source – it is perfect.



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