Always the student and the teacher
Always the student and the teacher I have two statements I very much believe in – 1) When a student is ready, the teacher will come 2) Always the student and the teacher At this time, many in the spiritual teaching community have taken the title as Master. What is the master? A master always is looking out at followers, rather than being directed to another level with followers. A master, speaking from an educational perspective has raised himself or herself a step above a four-year degree, whether they choose to expand, or find life more comfortable as having learned to reflect is a choice, which is made, with room for growth always before them rather than behind. One who takes the title as master, has chosen to stand motionless and in reflection. They have chosen their summit, rather than climbing further. Many spiritual masters have been identified through history including Jesus, who did not take the title of master as their own. They were given the title of master by...