Bartering: Fairness and worth
Bartering:Fairness and worth Bartering has been in use since the beginning of time. A method of showing worth and appreciation towards a service or product rendered. I could count on less than two hands the time I accepted a preset amount over a barter. As a rule individual needs are comparable in appreciation. Gracious giving of the hand made to a complete Dell system left on the porch. In return all appreciated in like form. The tools I use were given freely by this universe, to be used in fairness to all who request. Being in God’s pockets is not a gain or trust in faith. I have worked with people from all over this world and at times those from now beyond this world still in need of Earth energy in assistance. Individually assessing the needs of each from readings to remote healing in many corners of the world. My thought processing and Spirit work in unison. The first question always goes to healing energies who inform of what is being asked is needed for...