Face in the window experience

Face in the window experience


I don’t often speak of my personal experience with spirit. 


Years ago on a trip to Chicago, at the time I was working remotely for a Wheeling corporation and on Friday afternoon rushing for the airport, missed my exit so kept driving thinking eventually the interstate would wrap back around again finding the exit to O’Hara. 


After a half hour nerves were taking over on whether I would find the exit or catch my flight home. Minutes later glancing out my drivers window was a full blown image looking back a male spirit on the window.


Long white hair, crystal blue eyes , white robe on his shoulders and skin looking as new baby flesh. I knew in the moment I would be fine and definitely was not alone. Focusing back on the interstate my next exit was my airport exit.


Was able to return the rental, make it to the airport and terminal finding flight was overbooked and vouchers being offered in return for taking the next flight. Accepted voucher, sat down reflecting on my visitor at the window relaxing until the next flight. 


In my mind I can still see the face plain as day and hope I always will. 




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