
Showing posts from May, 2018

Establishing and Interrupting Boundaries

Just as important as establishing boundaries is knowing when not to interrupt boundaries established by others. Every action creates a reaction to learn from. If this is a work environment, by knowingly/unknowingly creating interruptions in established boundaries of the company a ripple affect will occur in the cycle returned to yourself. Could be you might feel the change of boundaries benefitted you, yet did the benefit created benefit all in process or protocols for all? Chances are the short term and long term is yet to be seen as now all boundaries have been shifted, what is tried and true may just not be for just you. Throughout history boundaries altered and the ripple affect on future events to learn from or find mistaken traces back to the earliest of recording. Interruptions in boundaries could be visualized as your energy continually being subject to the waves of checks and balances of others. Adapt we will and do unconsciously with readjustment of some form in the co...


Turbulence What is your first thought when you think of turbulence? Possibly; a combustible feeling? When the feeling or energy around you becomes unsettled? We have all felt this many times such as in airplane rides, opening a bottle of soda that has been shaken, even at times when you have heard a babies cry, and could not find the comfort quick enough to ease the pain, all becoming turbulent to your own center of energy. On somewhat of a larger scale, war, global warming, disease, or weather patterns are holding a likened internal sensor to your own energy. Sensing discomfort and your life being beyond your control, anxiety rushes too bring resolution and restore comfort. In large or small aspects of life, how can each of us resolve turbulence and restore our own en- ergy to a level of comfort and peace? All turbulence, is thought, and the perception that becomes the reality of the thought. To rise above the thoughts creating turbulence, become the observer of you...

Dream a little Dream - Prose

There will come a day when it is all taken away and given back for sure. When the moon will bow to a greater sun and life will be but a dream to awake with all that is - all too partake. Tears will be gone and replaced by a feeling no longer forgotten, all present from the many begotten. Where did I go and how far have I come still presently answered in the love of one. You stretch from the dream where friend or foe has welcomed you home.  Recalling all parts from the restless sleep you wonder now what the next dream will be. What color, how rich, will I remember the wish to dream my dream to be yet one with all I sing? As your eyes close and sleep repeats, once again you’ve entered the dream. Where am I now, where have I come?  Once again infant, once again one. Once again dreaming with songs yet to be sung.The dream will pass quickly and yet slow to seem. Life is not perfect, yet only a dream. Follow your thoughts, live life and play....

A bit of rebuttal in regard to video / mourning/grief/life/death

Image Listening to the above referenced video by Neale Walsh this morning, in part I can Agee with and yet found this to be designed for multi-part engaging for profit ultimately. The shell which houses your mortality does die, the way of nature in one form or another becomes disposed. Working with hospice patients I am not foreign in becoming engaged with the body at death in this world. My first impulse being to feel the chest over the heart and then different pulse areas on the body for activity or silence. Minutes before, a body was not being observed but a person with history as you or I. Now silent and re-identified as dead/deceased.Do I mourn them? No, in the moments just after I wish them well in flight and transition from this world. Now this said, in regards to individuals only met when death is imminent. So according to Neale, I would be awake. For a loved one, friend or family member - mourning comes...

Why me Lord

Writing a blog piece – has been awhile in the creation. Thoughts build daily, though lack of time becomes another cycle or day in this world. Why I am writing at this point, will become evident or I Hope therefore before completed. I included the song “Why me Lord” as too many times I ask this as well. Never claiming my life is easy or day to day bliss as seems to be given perception by many on a spirituality path. Quite the contrary, yet fulfilling and for being such the song speaks volumes. Not shouting from rooftops or claiming my thoughts are “the thoughts” is not who I am. My energy will lead me and guide into many destinations and has over many years. Each time “Why me Lord” could be heard from my thoughts to a grandiose listener. Over the last few years, life has been like a gently curving highway – some stop signs, though unbroken. Lately the pause has been in facilitating the “Angel Vigil”. Simply stated, this is being called upon to sit with another whose passing is immi...