What is your first thought when you think of turbulence?
Possibly; a combustible feeling? When the feeling or energy around you becomes unsettled?
We have all felt this many times such as in airplane rides, opening a bottle of soda that has been shaken, even at times when you have heard a babies cry, and could not find the comfort quick enough to ease the pain, all becoming turbulent to your own center of energy.
On somewhat of a larger scale, war, global warming, disease, or weather patterns are holding a likened internal sensor to your own energy. Sensing discomfort and your life being beyond your control, anxiety rushes too bring resolution and restore comfort.
In large or small aspects of life, how can each of us resolve turbulence and restore our own en- ergy to a level of comfort and peace?
All turbulence, is thought, and the perception that becomes the reality of the thought. To rise above the thoughts creating turbulence, become the observer of your thoughts. Become the vi- sionary, viewing the thought process.
View the whole of your consciousness, rather than becoming centered, as the player in your physical creation.
As you have found the comfort of reviewing what has been in life, review your thoughts in the same form. See the whole of what has been as the whole of what is.
Find again the comfort of being the reviewer, removed from the turbulence of choosing separa- tion of the larger whole picture of who you are.
Reviewing the turbulence, peace and comfort of life, does not need to be in the afterthought or afterlife, life is the living review. The moments can be seen with eyes wide open.
Choose and anew your life purpose and destiny at will – each day, each moment of your crea- tion, your life, your spirit, your being, and the whole of who you have always been.