
Showing posts from September, 2017

Where is the love?

In a world where political leaders engage in Twitter wars, people vie for followers and praying is shouted to be doctrinated, where is the love. Where giving is boasted and voices attempt to trump voices to boast, where is the love. When one another dishonors to be heard, and calm is interrupted by anger of words, where is the love. When pride is burnt in the flames and two wrongs are seen as right, where is the love. When all past misdoings are the news each day and goodness is small print easily dismayed, where is the love. When evil has more attention than good of the day, where is the love.  Love resides in the heart, never going away. Love is the truth which is known without display. Love is the trust, hope and faith of a new better day, love never goes away. Love perseveres and takes the tears away when all seems lost a blessing is gave. Love isn't loud and in stillness remains, the heartbeat felt when joy simply says "I love you,forever and today.

Fall Equinox 2017

Fall Equinox March 23 rd , 2017 The Equinox marks the movement around the Earth and the reason for each as the Spring Equinox of March 21 st and Fall Equinox of September 23 rd . Twice a year when equal duration of day and night on the Earth. The Equinox has been noted from the earliest of recorded times in astrology and spiritually of being of great significance long before modern times, Christianity or modern calendars for the movement displayed in the physical universe. Spring Equinox marked the beginning of the planting season, with the growing of crop and being harvested beginning with the Fall Equinox. Since beginning of time, regardless of the activity of Earth, this has remained so. In the spiritual sense, the Equinox had also been a time to create, plant and bring to fruition the dreams into your reality. Native Americans called this a time of growing corn. Allowing the dreams and aspirations of the year to mature for harvesting between now and the Wint...

Blessed are the pure in heart

A boy of four years ago asked me "Am I pure of heart"? I answered him with "of course you are!". Over the years as this boy grew to a man, another handful of times he asked the same question and received the same answer. Today I read this, and tears fell knowing this wonderful young man has known beyond myself why he asked. Don't doubt what the young are well aware of in their hearts, they are here open without any veils to their truth. They bless sometimes in unusual ways to those who feel they hold the wisdom, which in reality was never forgotten in the young. Namaste'

Simple Blessing box - Giving and Receiving in an everyday way

A few months ago a client of mine was cleaning closets and came across a fair sized box of children's books which her children had collected decades ago with seemingly no purpose any longer in her home. I took the box and put it into my trunk of the car. Since then since I came across children in settings from grocery stores to apartment complex, the books have found new homes. When in a thrift shop or at a yard sale, I added more to replace those given away. To myself, it is the Simple Blessing box, a way to pay it forward and find new homes for the words in books. Combining children's books with adult books makes it available to any age group. I shy away from religious books just for the reason is the purpose is too share rather than impose beliefs outside of people enjoy reading and children take pride in the books they can hold as their own. Seniors have limited access to sources for books and yet can be avid readers when given the option. One copy paper box, one hour ...

Positive and Negative powers of life - screen shot from 110 year old bible


Thoughts to ponder, answers are of your own.

All time only exists whee time no longer exist. You can not drop nuclear missiles into the sea floor without the sea having a reaction in temperature, movement and widespread radiation poisoning to sea life, when are seas begin to heave the dead and change the course, what is already known will be transparent. How you appear to spirit, spirit appears to you. Your greatest evolution is achieved through patience and stillness, many race away from who they choose to be. You can travel 1000 miles in search only to return to the moment the search began to find your truth. Read in validation, rather than read to lead you away from your being. Imagination can open your eyes, where logic will veil the eyes to see life through another. To trust is to surrender in faith, all you choose to attain. When you are no-thing, you are every-thing chosen to be. Life is meant to be a journey of your design.

I Believe - author unknown

A Birth Certificate shows that we were born. A Death Certificate shows that we died... Pictures show that we lived! Have a seat . . . Relax ... . . And read this slowly... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Believe.... That just because two people argue, that doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, that doesn't mean they do love each other. I Believe... That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. I Believe... That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I Believe... That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.. I Believe..... That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. I Believe... That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.. ...

Thought of the day

Live each day with a clean slate,  harboring judgment  is a fools ball and chain