Where is the love?
In a world where political leaders engage in Twitter wars, people vie for followers and praying is shouted to be doctrinated, where is the love. Where giving is boasted and voices attempt to trump voices to boast, where is the love. When one another dishonors to be heard, and calm is interrupted by anger of words, where is the love. When pride is burnt in the flames and two wrongs are seen as right, where is the love. When all past misdoings are the news each day and goodness is small print easily dismayed, where is the love. When evil has more attention than good of the day, where is the love. Love resides in the heart, never going away. Love is the truth which is known without display. Love is the trust, hope and faith of a new better day, love never goes away. Love perseveres and takes the tears away when all seems lost a blessing is gave. Love isn't loud and in stillness remains, the heartbeat felt when joy simply says "I love you,forever and today.