Simple Blessing box - Giving and Receiving in an everyday way

A few months ago a client of mine was cleaning closets and came across a fair sized box of children's books which her children had collected decades ago with seemingly no purpose any longer in her home. I took the box and put it into my trunk of the car. Since then since I came across children in settings from grocery stores to apartment complex, the books have found new homes. When in a thrift shop or at a yard sale, I added more to replace those given away.

To myself, it is the Simple Blessing box, a way to pay it forward and find new homes for the words in books. Combining children's books with adult books makes it available to any age group. I shy away from religious books just for the reason is the purpose is too share rather than impose beliefs outside of people enjoy reading and children take pride in the books they can hold as their own. Seniors have limited access to sources for books and yet can be avid readers when given the option.

One copy paper box, one hour a week looking for more books as they are distributed can change the lives of each recipient. Paying it forward without expectations should be part of everyone. The blessing is simple in nature in giving and huge in receiving to another. I always ask the parent or adult first with children, and the adult in being receiving. If a book you find speaks to you, the book will speak volumes to the next. Try a Simple Blessing in your life.


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