
Showing posts from September, 2015

Abundance for ALL. ALL is relevant.

I woke up this morning with the image from the parable of Jesus feeding the 5000 with fish and bread which continued to be plentiful until all were fed. Starting with an image of one basket and continuing to increase to more baskets than I could count as the morning progressed. Today my grandson and myself planned on going to a local annual Pioneer event at a local historical farm, all the trimmings of days gone by from crafts, animals, wild west shows and as noon approached we had wandered into a far corner of the festivities which contained chuck wagons as if on a trail very long ago.As we approached and standing to watch the cooks working, they announced for everyone to find a line staged around seven wagons and proceeded to line up the workers. At this time in a line of people unaware of what to expect, with well over 300 people in the group - they started serving with the only request being to vote on the wagon you liked best. People were free to move between wagons if they c...

Simply Awakening

Yesterday morning I had an appointment with a client and though I do not spend time prior to meeting a client trying to have a perception come to me concerning the meeting, I do analyze where I am at in the moment. The TV was on in the room and I heard the announcement the Pope was about to speak to Congress. Having followed his journey to the USA and speaking, being short on time I knew I would make time. I am not Catholic and yet the Pope has revealed himself in a way I have not known another to do in my lifetime. Being real, opposed to elusive as a Pontiff to one form of religion. Pope Francis made his entry and walked to the podium as many have done before to speak to Congress, yet in peace. Immediately my attention was on John Boehner – Speaker of the House sitting behind the Pope. The presence alone of the Pope had already stirred the Speakers heart and soul without speaking. A man who I had only heard to being a non-wavering hard liner on agenda for so long was not bei...

I am no different - I just choose not to hold a label and be of all


Home smudging and energy clearing

Can be done remotely, or hands on in KC area  - Do you have a spiritual need? Contact for assistance.

Birthday dream 2015

A dream last night found me standing in an old house looking up at the ceiling as water slowly dripped through the surface. I climbed the stairs to another level and in a bathroom; I found a tub, which had been filling by a slow drip until this huge tub, was gently pouring water over the sides, crystal clear water just flowing like a waterfall over a rounded edge. As I started to turn off the slow drip, my Dad was right behind me and said, “I have a crew to take care of the problem. Next thing I knew I was looking at the front of the house where a new face was added, yet on one side part of the roof that stood in front of the house was only being held in the air by six studs and cross members. Odd, why would one side be complete and a new facing and yet the other section was still too be done. All of the motion around me would remind of a movie playing out in fast forward. I am now back on the upper floor where the leak had brought me earlier in the same bathroom. From th...

Charlie,life and the White rose

In 1971, I met a special young family. Young mother with three daughters and her husband. Living around the corner from our family home, she was patient in putting up with a young 14-year-old girl who thought she was something else. I babysat for her and with my parents’ permission, the next year traveled with her and the girls to relocate in southern Texas for the next six months I lived in Texas before returning home. A time of growing which took me beyond still being content being a child. Over the next years I seen the family once when they relocated back to our hometown, before going on to another location.  1982, my father has now passed and my mother relocated back to our home town, remarrying and moving to another home which I knew was within blocks of my friends sisters home. One afternoon while at my mother’s home, I decided to walk over to the home of her sister, hoping to gain some knowledge of where the family could be located. I was informed my friend was dy...

Encourage good vibes between children and LEO

With all the unrest in our country targeted towards the LEO it is important for our children to be reinforced in the knowledge LEO is there for them, not against them. Today at a local festival I asked two officers to pose for a picture with my grandson. They were definitely apprehensive at first as too why the picture was requested - yet very accommodating in obliging the request. We are a country with civil servants on the street opposed to the army on patrol and need to keep it that way. Children are the future and the decision makers of the future. Do what you can, to assure the choice for safe streets in the future is your local LEO opposed to feeling any kind of failure for the service being provided. How they react in the future could very well affect you in this lifetime and how you react now will create the imprint.Support good will for now and our future in the USA.

What or how would you choose to celebrate life? Ode to life.

Tomorrow is the celebration of life for my friend Charlie, I know when she passed her mother was the one she wanted to be reunited with first, then a host others from this life who had passed before. I have been thinking about this aspect of passing for the last week and personally, my first choice would be the host of animals I grew to love in this life. Horses, dogs, cats, turtles and fish.My grandsons Guinea pigs would be welcome as well. After meeting and greeting all the creatures who were let go, then I would move on to the human creatures who have passed on. You might ask why, or you may not. My reason is the human creatures tend to be those who stay the closest to communicate with and the animal kingdom is the more passive who wait.Creatures who were the natural intuitive who knew all worlds as one.My old dog Forbes who in his later years would try to rest on the furniture only to feel an energy brush him back down or could be called without ever using my voice.He was a ch...

Aidans first encounter with the LEO, we all matter

This reminds me of a story about Aidan in the Fall of 2007. One Saturday morning at about 7:00 A:M my back door burst open and the next thing I heard was "POLICE"! I bolted out of bed to find a local officer in my house holding the hand of Aidan. Seems the four-year-old had decided to take himself to preschool and being Saturday the school was closed. He walked two blocks which included crossing a normally busy four-lane road, too find a locked door on the school. A neighbor to the school called police about him being at the school alone and only socks on his feet without shoes. Between the time of the call and response, Aidan once again crossed a four-lane road and was heading back home. Seeing the patrol car stopping, Aidan bolted like lightening and took the officer on a two block run before being caught. The officer was not offended by the run,though he was still winded inside the back door. He requested an upper-lock be installed on the door in exchange of not fil...

Fly high Charlie, you are now fully awake again

My almost lifelong friend Charlie/Charlene (I was 14 when we met) awoke from this slumber yesterday at midnight. I am not sure I could have slept as life with the dignity she had for so long, with disease, which took a once vibrant active woman to a nearly bedridden state of slumber. Charlie was Christian, yet beyond this fact, she was deeply spiritual and open to embracing her knowledge of the vastness of life/death not always in written word of this world. Accepting what she knew and embracing every opportunity to learn more. If well, she could have written a book capable of astounding many from self-truth gathered from a soul search unending. Being a people person and engaging, her working years were spent in the restaurant industry – both working for and owing her own. In the early 70’s when minimum wage was still less than two dollars an hour, it was not uncommon for her to average two –hundred dollars a night in one of Des Moines white collar establishments of the time ...