Birthday dream 2015

A dream last night found me standing in an old house looking up at the ceiling as water slowly dripped through the surface. I climbed the stairs to another level and in a bathroom; I found a tub, which had been filling by a slow drip until this huge tub, was gently pouring water over the sides, crystal clear water just flowing like a waterfall over a rounded edge.

As I started to turn off the slow drip, my Dad was right behind me and said, “I have a crew to take care of the problem. Next thing I knew I was looking at the front of the house where a new face was added, yet on one side part of the roof that stood in front of the house was only being held in the air by six studs and cross members. Odd, why would one side be complete and a new facing and yet the other section was still too be done.

All of the motion around me would remind of a movie playing out in fast forward. I am now back on the upper floor where the leak had brought me earlier in the same bathroom. From the corner of my eye looking out the door I could see a small army or workers walking in straight lines yet going in three directions assessing the problems of the house and making comments to each other on corrections to be made. Yet, once again in fast forward – now my Mom was standing near me, not speaking. I thought maybe she was wondering what was going on so I started explain about the army of workers who had seemed to just come out of the walls in constant movement. Now zoomed into the huge open space outside of the bathroom definitely realizing I had never been in this old house before, it was huge with another staircase on the opposite wall with an open door. More workers were still streaming into the house in perfect lines which reminded me of Christmas movies where the elves worked incredibly fast, still analyzing repairs to be made.

Being zoomed back outside and once again looking at the roof which needed completed my Dad stated how he was not sure why it was still holding itself in place with so little support, though it would be corrected soon. At that point, I woke up and was not able to return to the dream and remembered Dad and Mom although in the dream, were not in this world. Very real at the time and yet abstract in being shown. Waking up from the dreams and reorienting yourself again to which players are present and not present again is always a bit like returning from a vacation carrying the memories and knowing another place exist to be visited once again. I have dreams, which carry on into another night like an ongoing procession of time elsewhere. I will be back in the future to see the progress on the old house. Could be a year or a day but I will return. Thank you to my parents for joining me on my birthday this year. Till we meet again!


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