Simply Awakening

Yesterday morning I had an appointment with a client and though I do not spend time prior to meeting a client trying to have a perception come to me concerning the meeting, I do analyze where I am at in the moment. The TV was on in the room and I heard the announcement the Pope was about to speak to Congress. Having followed his journey to the USA and speaking, being short on time I knew I would make time. I am not Catholic and yet the Pope has revealed himself in a way I have not known another to do in my lifetime. Being real, opposed to elusive as a Pontiff to one form of religion.

Pope Francis made his entry and walked to the podium as many have done before to speak to Congress, yet in peace. Immediately my attention was on John Boehner – Speaker of the House sitting behind the Pope. The presence alone of the Pope had already stirred the Speakers heart and soul without speaking. A man who I had only heard to being a non-wavering hard liner on agenda for so long was not being seen. The soul being seen, was one who had wrestled and asked for guidance privately and even so, could not control a heart responding to the energy of the Pope.

When a heart and soul does ask for the guidance, a choice of time or place to receive is out of the control of the request. A heart responding can be at home, in an office, car, public transportation or in the stillness of life. As if a strand of silk is carefully dividing what has been and moving your life and direction into a new space of understanding. Tears, crying or wailing in response is the soul accepting a door to open. Many surrender heart and soul to the source of their belief and feel more light-hearted but yet to feel the door of surrender open until another time and space. Mentally surrendering and yet still keeping control of heart and soul. To do so, to give up the mortal control is not an easy step to make. You cannot convince the heart, the heart will convince you the time has come to surrender the lead in your life.

John B. found the moment in front of millions for surrender and could not control the cause and affect, which followed the day. I did make the appointment on time with my client, request was for energy work – to me, that is the opening of my spiritual toolbox and using whatever is needed to bring the change requested. Much like a hat rack and deciding which one to use moment by moment, Energy work, counselor, medium or tool to bring the inner to a conscious level of benefit. All available and interchangeable under the spiritual umbrella of the healer. Not just for the day, but for the progression of a very personal journey. A spiritual DNA held only by the individual himself or herself. 

Watching the speaker, many might have thought he was alone in his expression, yet the expression cannot be done alone. The energy of the Pontiff/Pope being transmitted in response t a request was unleashed. Though personal the affect reached millions at the very least in touching, an emotional response felt within. One of the first inclinations after feeling the release is made in decisions of what you choose to let go of and what is too remain at least for the time in your journey. The heart and soul has now trumped the emotions and the mind of thought. Moving backwards is not more and option of the heart, yet being still to hear the heart takes more precedence in the journey. As you let go, fear is not automatically removed in doing so. You question more than you ever have in life, you seek as if days are mountains to climb and you learn being alone – will never be a feeling of being lonely. If patience has not been an attribute you chose to practice in earnest – patience will be a focused lesson to learn. Letting go of the race to experience the journey.

What was normal will become the abnormal, as you learn you have nothing to fear from the unknown. You will learn weakness is a state of mind, which walks hand in hand with strength and love. Many attempt to attain from outside of who they are, only to learn all that is needed lies within the conscious/unconscious/super conscious of who you are. In addition, the times of the epiphany will be carefully revealed spiritually as the silk strand is divinely separated and returned with the tools needed to be the inner faith stretching outward into and beyond all imagined. As each step of the ladder of experience creates more of a lateral movement forward rather than a need to climb higher, peace will be with you on a journey which started with your first breath of life and continues each moment as you experience the life journey. Others will walk with you for part of the journey, or throughout the journey,as your heart and soul will be the constant in completing a journey.



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