Thru the dream, state many levels are experienced as we travel the neuro interstates of our consciousness. Dreams can be clairvoyant, as well as states of learning from the uniqueness of awareness minus any inhibitions we carry in what is considered our daily “awake” state of giving way to doubt and discard of what may have been presented. For me, also the quantum dreams, dreams, which take you into other parallels of thought and living, which are not known to exist in a more conscious state during waking hours. Dreams, which what is known about those you meet does not become a conscious thought until awakening from the dream. During one dream, I came across my Dad who left this world 33 years ago. He was working in a store as I saw him step out the back door unto a small porch. Looking at him, after multiple attempts to get his attention I said “Dad! Don’t you know who I am?” After glancing my direction for a short time, he just responded, “Sorry, not I don’t” and went on ...