
Showing posts from March, 2013

Stepping into your pain and fear; you are the power from within

I do not write from the perspective of views of another, I write from my experience, thoughts and beliefs I have come to know, hence the name I write under is "My Spiritual Windows". If in reading, you feel a sensation within yourself of goosebumps, hair rising on your arms or a sensation of being freer, this is where soul speaks to soul regardless of your religion or path of belief. Years ago, one afternoon I had attempted to remove a bunky board from a top bunk. The board was extremely heavy to lift or maneuver and resulted in dropping the edge of the board straight across my foot just below the toes. Instantly, the foot number and went black, I had broken my foot. Without any insurance at the time, I did not feel medical treatment was an option and through the afternoon into the evening the numbness started subsiding into pure pain. On that evening I also knew I would need to pick up my son from work and use my left foot on the clutch of my car. Swelled in pain, thinkin...

In not giving the unexplainable an explanation

In not giving the unexplainable an explanation, you can experience the wonder at any time. In my family, the unexplained is given thought of wonder rather than searched to find explanation. One of my grandsons as a baby, although he was safely in his crib at night; until he would drift off into dreamland it was not uncommon to hear the sounds from his toys in the playpen a floor below being active.. as he drifted into sleep, the sounds from the playpen would also still for the night. As a toddler, sitting in time out in the middle of the floor surrounded by adults with his little back pack of books leaning against the fireplace and being unable to obtain them, within minutes the back pack of books was safely with him in time out. He did not move to obtain the books or was the bag seen moving, yet they came together. This time of unexplainable acts with him has been common all his life. This past week, prior to coming home for spring break – he left his "homework" for...

Life is an opportunity.. we have yet to see

Channel of tone and vibration - a tool of experience.

In 2005, sitting at my desk one night; a soft voice asked if I wanted to hear a story? I said yes, and what proceeded over the next year when I found time to listen, were the stories from Moniko. A year later, I put the stories I had at the time and created a small book which became "Adventures of Moniko: Evolution of the Soul through the Spirit of the Child." The pages of Moniko enveloped and energy created from tone and vibration, layed with the purpose of bringing a reader to a better understanding of themselves, rather than words being laid out on a page. A joy found in writing the words of Moniko has always been greater than trying to deciper in this world how to express Moniko, not quite fitting into the genre of the time at publishing. Before the end of this year, a new edition of Moniko will be expressed to this world with the original and stories since combined with increased energy. Words of a channel are written to bring a part of the reader, closer to the reade...

A miracle for Corbin

My beliefs are all paths of belief lead to the same mountain top. Regardless of your faith or path, say a prayer, light a candle and send energy to baby Corbin. He has been through so much for being so young. His nana is a friend of mine, and the  family is holding candles of faith that he will grow strong and healthy as any little guy should. There are no impossibilities! Share for the energy for Corbin to see his highest potential and happiness in life. Miracles are no more than impossibilites, made possible. For a truly great endeavor: how many blessings and prayers can Corbin recieve? He deserves them all. God Speed baby boy! :-) Corbin came into this world and for weeks showed all signs of being just fine, then developed seizures which reached heights of 18 a day, in and out of hospitals without any true answers. He now has a feeding tube in his stomach for nutrition and show signs of brain atrophy at this time. At times like this when there is no "answer",...


Magnetism is an act of creating an energy field that allows a dual perception between yourself and another universal energy, resulting in an attracting flow of electrons that communicate, interact, and become a fusion or link towards thoughts.  When a magnetic field is created through thought, a desire is attracted mutually in understanding. For this, a magnetism generally is thought of as positive energy. When messages are sent out through any form whether thought, written, or through actions aware of unaware the attraction created is not differentiate to the receptor. The vibration of the energy being created and magnetized creates a like force as a receptor. By consciously being aware of what you hold in thought, returns the desired response and fusion of energy. Hence, negative magnetizes negative. Positive magnetizes positive. Elaborate codes or challenges to thought are not necessary in determining what returns as negative or positive. The vibration of th...

Strength of Jacob

One of my favorite short stories I have written.                                                                                                                                                                    Strength of Jacob Come hither child a story awaits you of being seen in the light of another set of eyes. To take you down this path, close your eyes imagining beauty,...