
Magnetism is an act of creating an energy field that allows a dual perception between yourself and another universal energy, resulting in an attracting flow of electrons that communicate, interact, and become a fusion or link towards thoughts. 

When a magnetic field is created through thought, a desire is attracted mutually in understanding.

For this, a magnetism generally is thought of as positive energy. When messages are sent out through any form whether thought, written, or through actions aware of unaware the attraction created is not differentiate to the receptor.

The vibration of the energy being created and magnetized creates a like force as a receptor.

By consciously being aware of what you hold in thought, returns the desired response and fusion of energy.

Hence, negative magnetizes negative.

Positive magnetizes positive.

Elaborate codes or challenges to thought are not necessary in determining what returns as negative or positive.

The vibration of the thought determines the outcome.

You create thought that is chosen to magnetize from within, not external to who you are.

Awareness is the key to your ability to create or magnetize.

If you chose to magnetize wealth, create positive energy in how you choose to use the wealth in your life. Rather than choosing, to magnetize money or wealth in a form that lacks the fulfillment in distribution of the energy. Fill the magnetic field with our choice of energy from in the used of the energy being created.

If you choose to magnetize health, choose how the energy will be used within, in fulfillment to create the desired healing in completing the magnetic field that has been created.

If you choose peace, create the magnetic filed in how the energy will be fulfilled in the desire of peace.

Your existence is within a magnetic universe, created by you in desire but to be made complete in your choices of fulfilling what has been magnetized in completion. In your desire, opposed to creating magnetic field that is to be filled and consumed beyond your choice of creation.

Magnetic energy fields created through universal energy are made complete by the desire and intention in completing the field of energy all inclusive of only the desires for the field as generated.

Choose well, choose complete, choose the return of the desired magnetization as being whole in your creation, without open thoughts in the field to be filled by others choices for the completion of that what has been magnetized.

See the filed as magnetic energy sealed in the light of true desire. Light the field in patience, faith and trust hat your creation has been completed.

As always, choose wisely, and from the heart.
December 2006


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