
Showing posts from February, 2013

In the Stillness of Your Life (audio recording)

Snowing in Kansas City

Book worth a thousand words

 A picture is worth a thousand words This spelling book belonged to my grandfather and was used in 1905. Take a close look into the artwork and the way "Knowledge stands before Fame" on the structures. 

Musings in repose

My uncle Gene left this world just over four years ago. During the last few years of his life, I was blessed to know the essence of who he really was. A time of change which just continued to spiral into a feeling of ah of all he was capeable of. This piece I jotted down in the days after his death, he truly had found the freedom which he feared being unworthy of for so long.. I salute you and love you Gene and feel privledged in knowing you! Blessings and Namaste' Spring of 1983, sitting by a tree listening to the birds sound out as they flew over head my thoughts soared into their flight above. How could these creatures of this earth be given the gift of flight over the human race, for what purpose? Spent my life with the urge to fly higher and attempting to meet goals with the wings of a bird, seemingly effortless in the process of just being who they were designed to be. I had given wings to others and watched them fly from my teachings, but yet had not found that in ...

Let us talk - “Quarks!”

  Quarks seem to be a subject of thought given very little consideration in this world, outside of the questioning physicists has on them. I am not going to try to evaluate thoughts of science in regards to quarks, only speaking in terms of the spiritual in relation to quarks. Science will tell you they exist, yet never seen. They can surmise a definition, but do not have a circle of thought around why? Talking about desire, the "Secret" and many more topics being written about and expressed regarding spirit, mentioning quarks is minute at best. Why? In opening up thoughts in relation to quarks might seem to dispel rather than enhance what is being said, yet it does not. Mustard seeds in relation to spirit could be part of the consideration of quarks. In the spiritual sense, a quark is the something out of nothing, which becomes the foundation in securing what you desire or the path you are taking. From the quark, comes mapping and determining the points, which are set to de...