Let us talk - “Quarks!”


Quarks seem to be a subject of thought given very little consideration in this world, outside of the questioning physicists has on them. I am not going to try to evaluate thoughts of science in regards to quarks, only speaking in terms of the spiritual in relation to quarks. Science will tell you they exist, yet never seen. They can surmise a definition, but do not have a circle of thought around why?

Talking about desire, the "Secret" and many more topics being written about and expressed regarding spirit, mentioning quarks is minute at best. Why? In opening up thoughts in relation to quarks might seem to dispel rather than enhance what is being said, yet it does not. Mustard seeds in relation to spirit could be part of the consideration of quarks. In the spiritual sense, a quark is the something out of nothing, which becomes the foundation in securing what you desire or the path you are taking. From the quark, comes mapping and determining the points, which are set to density the base desire, or choice into your reality.

From the quark, many or few as needed points are set in place and motion to create the outcome. Points are then given mapping which can include multiple paths to a created destination. Leaving free will intact and choices. Prompts are given intuitively of the needed points, with only you to decide the path taken. The destination and desire then becoming the product of the quark, which was placed. Seeing the quark mature is seeing the desire completed. Something out of No-thing, is the same as something out of everything. Everything available to secure your desire and destination in life begins with all there is available in assistance in placing the quark on your path.

To define a quark as something out of everything, opens infinite hosts of possibilities of what is known and unknown to the mortal mind. What stimulates the quark into growth? You do! The super neuron highway you carry above your shoulders known as you mind is the infinite connection and acceptance of the unknown being known to you. One mind with infinite carriers of individual thoughts becomes the whole of existence, with the quark being the first seed of completion of thought or desire. As we go into the Spring Equinox this week, a time of planting the seeds of our desires for the year, give thought to the quarks you choose to see realized, with the mapping and points evolving through 2011. You are a quark defined in image you have chosen, you are something out of everything.



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