Former Mayor and Minister, Congressman Cleaver renews faith in people helping people in Kansas City http://www.kmbc.com/news/30320135/detail.html Former Mayor/Minister and now Congressman Cleaver renewed faith this week in people assisting people regardless of circumstances in Kansas City this week. Emanuel Cleaver has long been known in Kansas City as a minister, Mayor and now Congressman in Washington – this week we saw Emanuel Cleaver doing what a person does to assist another in need, regardless of the circumstances and outcome. The area of 44th and Troost in Kansas City is more known for being a violent area of this city, rather than being a location of a good Samaritan to another in need. After passing a ditch and noticing a hand in the air, rather than just passing and calling for assistance, Mr. Cleaver has his driver circle back to find a woman who had slipped into unconsciousness, staying with her until emergency medical help could arrive and transport the woman fo...