Addictive Obsessions
This morning on Anderson Cooper the show was about a shopaholic mother and the destructive outcome on the family, by clicking the title of this post the show can be viewed.
In this instance, the mother had became disabled and filled the void of an active life with shopping to excess and potentially bankrupting her family in the process - in complete denial. As the obsession has progressed, so has being aware of multiple diseases she is coping with in the physical body. Any addiction, will bring disease as an outward sign in the physical body - the psyche is going to find a physical match between addiction and disease, with progression between both only becoming more enhanced.
In the circumstance of the show, it is easy for an outsider to tell her to just stop and change her life. Addictions create passions for the addiction and to lose the addiction a persons' pschye is going to continually reaffirm to them of a void/fear and darkness outside of addiction believed to be unfilled without the substance regardless of how destructive - has now became the blanket of comfort needed for existence.
No multi step program forced on an addict without an inner calling from the addict itself, will have long term productive changes in thier life or physical well being. The change has to come from within the very links of the consciousness/spiriutal and the physical where a healing point is found possible. Those who are closest can begin a staging of bringing the addict towards a passion of self enhancement rather than self destruction - though all energy voided will once again be replaced - the choice is of the addict in regard to the energy replacement. A single moment or spark of change in life can take a person into addiction - or bring them back again. With each step, they need to find assurance the step is forward.
If your dealing with an addiction or addict - finding a passion before addiction to start stepping forward out of one - into a new passionate energy is key. What is it within the addiction/addict which brings the highest peace beyond the addiction? A person, place, activity, hobby or thought. With the first step forward from a moment of peace - the walk between addiction/disease and Peace/Health has been transpired. One step at a time - will fill the void of fear with new beginnings.