
Showing posts from November, 2010

Into my life, a feather will fall

Into my life, a feather will fall Everyone carries a different symbol of knowing moments are recognized by spirit with a gentle physical symbol of belief, for myself over many years this has became an appearance of feathers brought into view and kept together as reminders. Feathers being received in the most unlikely of places – indoors in moments of confirmation all is well, when a perfect moment of joy and peace transpires and spirit says “we are watching”. Each feather holds a story of its own in memory and through remembering the joy repeats once again. The latest feather was seen sitting in front of myself on the table at Applebee’s while spending time with my granddaughters. Seeing the joy and excitement in the eyes of a child as they reacted to receiving Christmas stockings with small tokens to start their holiday season and as they took inventory, played and carefully reloaded the stockings . Unaware a feather once again appeared on the table, slight in size and a beautiful...

Story of a Whitman’s Sampler

  Story of a Whitman’s Sampler In the year 1912, a young man of 14 years who was not much more than a boy, bought a young woman of 12 a box of chocolates in the hopes of winning her affection and it did successfully. Four years later, they would marry and start a life together, which surpassed two world wars, the depression and all events in between until 1975 when his young recipient of the chocolates would exit this world, and yet the box remained intact and traveled through the decades of their life together. Over the years, the box may have been used for many objects finding a home or possibly at times was empty and yet still full of a memory. Ten babies were born during the life of the Whitman’s box, two babies – Max and Donna were grieved and buried during their life together, and yet the box remained. The young couple began their life together in the belly of the Ozarks, proud to be, as the oldest son would say in his life “hillbillies” and strong! Depression years ...

Happy Thanksgiving

  When you wake in the morning and take a deep breath, you are inhaling the gift of life and living regardless of events around you or throughout the world you are still alive to change and the magic of the day. Life is not a drop off from spirit to mortal, you are spirit moving in physical form. Be thankful! Only you can create the outcome. Happy Thanksgiving week, year, and life!  

Added some new pieces to my website

Added three pieces under the 2010 menu on the left on the main page of my site, which have collectively been read over 1000 times recently on another site I write on.. Dream Analysis, Little Good News Today and Therefore I Am...? Namaste'


"A moment of time is never wasted when you still have this moment to reflect" Lsmyers Many times we have said or heart “I have wasted my time” on events of days, moments or hours of our lives. If you are reading this right now, you have the capacity and blessing of reflection of all moments in your life and the gift of change, reenergizing and recreating what has been into what will be as a gift of life itself. Moments only continue to be held as waste when not reflected and built upon for a new desire. Do you have a “wasted” moment to recreate anew?

The Old Clarinet

The Clarinet For the last 20+ years, an old clarinet resided in my house. My youngest daughter played it for years when she was young and at times the clarinet and her music seemed to be what pacified her when nothing else would. Her days with the Clarinet have probably become timeless in memory and then a number of years ago my oldest grandson with having the clarinet newly re-corked and revived played it for a time in his school band until the old clarinet became a shelf ornament once again and sat alone. Actually how old this instrument is, I am not sure. Over almost the last two months my daughter and I literally cleared out a large house and moved to an apt. with two grandsons with a tireless effort in the process to either sell, give away, discard and ultimately remove all objects which no longer served in our lives – from large objects to small the items dwindled over time along with trying to find a home for the clarinet. One woman a number of times inquired though she d...

My Spiritual Windows face book page

With the intent of creating a more interactive connection between my website and facebook, I have created a page you are welcome to visit, leave comments and share with myself and others. My Spiritual Windows facebook page
Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner Thoughts on the inner road Since I was very young, the adversity I personally felt in being pulled to believe outside of myself in following a spiritual path has created a personal resistance to becoming aligned to an outside source of religious belief rather than an inner source of faith. Each spiritual leader in our country seems to gain attainment and being validated in the persuasion of creating a following either lightly or in doctrine to a belief of their journey as being the way to finding the peace within. The core of who I am sees each as being a unique creation of their own design without limitations or faults in personal choices of belief with all leading to the mountain top and all ultimately finding that path through personal introspection and reflection in being non-judgmental of another path of belief. Through this course of belief I have learned of the paths of others in depth from the being of who they are rat...

Peeling back the layers of your life – letting go!

Peeling back the layers of your life – letting go! Recently, I took the endeavor upon myself of moving from a house to an apt., sounding simple and routine as many in this world do on a regular basis though for myself this was a culmination of seven years in the discovery of letting go. When the decision was made my oldest daughter asked me where I would start in the latest transition and my response was in being methodical and was transpired became an un-layering of the anchors in my life. A process of sorting out possessions into mental groupings of what I chose to save, sale, give away and dispose of in a succession of layers revisited many times and categorized many times shifting from what I thought of as serving in my life and in the end seeing those same thoughts shift more closely to decisions of keeping based on a heart attachment rather than a physical attachment, letting go of items and retaining items of memory less the anchors I clearly had not seen in beginning the pro...
Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner What are miracles? “Impossibilities becoming possibilities” A family member of mine posted this link on face book regarding a video he watched on of a miracle of death and rebirth with the thoughts that moved him. Over the years of observing miracles I have witnessed myself, miracles are the impossibilities made possible beyond human intervention, when the next moment is left too the higher powers and mortals become vessels and channels of spirit in assistance whether through prayer, channeling the energy for another or a force of intent so great by many change prevails beyond human conception of being so in any other form. For no other word, the possibility as a result is then the miracle without explanation. So be it, as it is and accepted. As in this video for the masses who may watch, spiritual energy changes each one of us, altering our lives a...