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What are miracles?

“Impossibilities becoming possibilities”


A family member of mine posted this link on face book regarding a video he watched on cbn.com of a miracle of death and rebirth with the thoughts that moved him. Over the years of observing miracles I have witnessed myself, miracles are the impossibilities made possible beyond human intervention, when the next moment is left too the higher powers and mortals become vessels and channels of spirit in assistance whether through prayer, channeling the energy for another or a force of intent so great by many change prevails beyond human conception of being so in any other form. For no other word, the possibility as a result is then the miracle without explanation. So be it, as it is and accepted.

As in this video for the masses who may watch, spiritual energy changes each one of us, altering our lives and thoughts in various ways. My uncle who passed from this world almost a year ago, was himself secure in the miracle of his being as he fought cancer for the last few years of his life and witnessed to others to take charge in your fight and choose your plan in fighting, switching from a lifetime of allowing the decisions of doctors in treatment to formulating his own intent and belief in using alternative methods of his own choosing and transforming from a man early on in the fight who could not remember dreaming for a long period of life to retouching that part of himself who once during heart surgery felt such a high level of energy remembered he lead the fight without of fear of unknown and rather a memory known of a peaceful energy felt that once which imprinted his mortal life.

A neighbor lady of mine last March was found dead in her home after not being checked on for three days, clinically dead the paramedics stuck a needle in her heart anyway and used the paddles at her daughters request after finding her mother in a recliner – she is alive again now and feisty as ever though she remembers being in her heaven and being told she would not be staying at this time. Since that time what she had heard, seen and connected with via intuition and vision led one of her daughters to suggest she see a psychiatrist because of her daughters thoughts of mothers hallucinations now in life, she spent the hour with the doctor and told him point blank he was the one without true faith.

I received a call almost ten years ago from a friend and her mother was in the midst of a heart attack in the ER, 1000 miles away for her daughter and a plea for help. Time was critical and I became an observer while two hands appeared to my vision detaching a valve and clearing it and repairing the valve then reattaching, two hours later her mother walked out of the ER without any evidence of having a heart attack. The miracle of intervention was immediate and done by the hands working her spiritual energy into physical restoration.

The tie that binds when miracles appear are faith and trust we are not alone in a mortal world, we are one spiritual being experiencing many mortal journeys together, assisting unaware and aware in all moments of our lives. One morning about four years ago my son witnessed a miracle with our Jack Russell as she ran into the alley near the house and a car ran over her from head to toe, as I heard the screech of the tires a panic hit and in a split second I prayed that Belle would not die, I had lost two dear dogs months before and was not prepared for another, then I waited for my son to let me know the outcome afraid to look and see. He observed her being ran over and as she laid in the alley for a few minutes lifeless she then suddenly bounced up and ran to her kennel seemingly unhurt by the events of the moments before, after taking her to the vet he could not find any damage from the car – four pound dog versus a full brunt of a car and survived.

Miracles are not always as heightened as those mentioned and more times than not they are seen through events in our lives where seemingly impossible desires as fulfilled beyond the conception of possibility, yet they are. Spiritual healing is restoring and perfecting to the highest soul desire of the intent with intervention at times seeming to be less that our request, though in hindsight seen as the highest of our request fulfilled in the miracles of life where the impossibilities of life and beyond are made possible as discovered and uncovered in the highest light, assist in a miracle today being aware that all is possible!



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