Into my life, a feather will fall

Into my life, a feather will fall

Everyone carries a different symbol of knowing moments are recognized by spirit with a gentle physical symbol of belief, for myself over many years this has became an appearance of feathers brought into view and kept together as reminders. Feathers being received in the most unlikely of places – indoors in moments of confirmation all is well, when a perfect moment of joy and peace transpires and spirit says “we are watching”. Each feather holds a story of its own in memory and through remembering the joy repeats once again.

The latest feather was seen sitting in front of myself on the table at Applebee’s while spending time with my granddaughters. Seeing the joy and excitement in the eyes of a child as they reacted to receiving Christmas stockings with small tokens to start their holiday season and as they took inventory, played and carefully reloaded the stockings . Unaware a feather once again appeared on the table, slight in size and a beautiful red color in nature in symbolic form once again to remind me peace is a state of heart not a state of creating the perfect moment.

Over the course of the last two months, five feathers total have landed to be seen, kept, and treasured. Each arriving at a moment of unison with another where the synchronicity of life has found a unique connection and a feather falls. For others, these same moments are recognized as finding pennies, hearing a song, or smelling a scent unique to the occasion as well as many more connections beyond those I know of, they are true and unique to each person. I love the thought of flight and the messengers of flight seen in our winged companions in this world and the feather is a statement I am in flight and on course.

Feathers have appeared on my desk, laying on the ground next to me when I awoke in the morning, twice at different times I have pulled a feather from my purse, table at Applebee’s and many more places virtually impossible for a physical bird to have been. All, at times when the moment of giving could not have been anymore perfect than a moment of spirit.

From my own observations in life of the here and beyond, beyond is within eight feet of us at all times. Eight feet – rather than being very distant as some might believe. Eight feet, which is equivalent to a person’s energy field and beyond, a feather will fall or be delivered. When my mother was on ventilation, the CCU wall eight feet from her dissipated and I observed my father and grandparents with her. Eight feet when a friend’s mother left this world was the distance her spirit rose, took one quick look back, and disappeared. So how easy this becomes for what is beyond us to be with us again in confirmation in any given time to allow feathers, pennies, a scent to fill our senses and many more signs that all is well even if we are yet to see the whole picture already seen.

Watch for the symbols of your validation in life to appear without wonder as to how and rather thankfulness to the why of a shared appreciation at that time you might not fully understand. Accepting the moment as it is without judgment or expectation beyond. Allow the synchronicity of your heart, in motion and connecting to another in very real purpose even at the times when purpose eludes your thoughts. You are guided and validated from eight feet away as the betwixt and between space of matter and anti-matter extends as a window and doorway for view and where that one moment is infinite beyond comprehension.

If you are not aware of the feathers in your life, remember the symbolic tie between events which has never wavered, there you will realize gifts given without any return being asked. It truly is better to give than receive, as a giver you have already received. The blessings of your feathers are upon you, how many have been realized?


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