For only a moment
For only a moment Sitting on a park bench in the early evening hours on a windy spring day concluding a single moment takes to canvas of the thought just as brush strokes would bring the images to visual interpretation. Young man sharing the picnic table of the shelter with his thoughts deeply into a book being read creating his own canvas of the evening while a walking/biking trail in the background appears to being trafficked as a road way of relaxation being traveled by walkers, riders, children nestled in riders behind parents bikes largely in good spirits with the occasional child or adult balking at the intent of another to bring them along on the evening journey. Playground bustling with small children climbing and sliding to squeals of delight as adult observes antics possibly being remembered from days gone by. Grandparents slowly swinging a toddler as her expressions change from being unsure to accepting the feeling of her short flight through the air in her swing as o...