When Thought Never Ceases to Exist

Spending time one afternoon in the hospital room of a neighbor who earlier in the week had been removed by ambulance unresponsive from her home, I found again a person who I thought was in need of healing telling me of her own process of healing life. After having spent evening turning into daylight as she felt her life ebbing away unable to move or dial for help the hours were only filled with thoughts in life as her mind had been the only physical of herself which was active. News stories occasionally tell of those found in their homes, which have left this world and for myself this was a first in life to touch upon thoughts during those hours which had not been told before. She had asked for deliverance, not in leaving this world but for protective and watching guidance to remain until found. She remembers her porch light being turned on which would have been a sign to the neighbors or signal being unusual in her routine that night, though the signal went unrecognized. Darkness falling and the light of another day rising as she tried to comfort her small dogs who realized their mom was in trouble and time, pulling away from her. She thought of her granddaughters who normally would have been with her that night though a change in their life now found them at home this night. As she called for help her small companions would bark trying to echo her wish for assistance though the barks created no stir. Being an uncontrolled diabetic her coma approached with the early light of day. Too tired to fight she resigned to the sleep in prayer of still being found in time. Noon brought her daughter to the door for lunch and finding her mother in the chair unknowing of her hours of calling out and calling in to herself. She was now saved unaware at the time she had prayed for. Doctors told her later she was within minutes of no return as she now fights for the strength in re-energizing her physical body. Time she once again calls upon for strength and endurance though with a new outlook on days ahead not taken for granted and better supported by herself and her wishes to sustain life. She told of the continued resistance which created friction between her and the home next door, two sets of life which had not found peace for many years and how one day in the recent past she had stormed to their door unleashing her discontent for the family and returned home and could not remember why she felt that way any longer. She returned to the home and asked to apologize for her behavior in life and asked for them to forgive her and forgave herself that day creating a new bond of assistance rather than upsetting the balance in all their lives.

So many times our lives are consumed in the noise of our thoughts, interactions and discontent until we hold no memory of the silence being created. Silence of the withdraw, silence of life without interaction and the silence of thought. In her last thoughts of one night in life she remembers well the silence of thought alone. When cries were unheard, distractions ignored and interactions unresponsive. When all mobility outside of the power of thought had been felt sliding away. Only a conscious mind awake and remembering a life of mobility and interaction based on actions she had created. Her last remembered thought was of a prayer. A last wish of life to be of the living in this world and passive in trust of the outcome with life and death being determined in mortality by the beat of the heart and as her last conscious moments were remembered of her thoughts talking to her heart as the process of mortal death drew closer. Our last conscious thought possibly instructing our heart and soul of desire which is unseen and unnoticed otherwise. The heart may stop and mortality is seen though the thoughts remain active without hesitation beyond the heart. The mind connected to a greater soul mind in this universe never ceases to mortality or ceasing to exist in a final thought which has no finality. At times the mind is seen as non-functioning and the body is left to expire and at those times the thoughts are still functioning beyond the physical very aware in observance without death. How do I know? I have been in the space of the known and unknown. Years ago one night I found myself outside of the physical body which was sleeping and standing at a lit triangle in the dark of the spiritual universe some might call the betwixt and between. Fully conscious of a sleeping body though beyond that body. I felt two pulls, one to enter the triangle and the other to return to a body. I chose to return and when I did that body no longer was breathing though my thoughts were still active I felt as if I was breathing against glass without response, the mind alive and the body ceasing. My thoughts were I did not wish for my children to find me this way much as my neighbor wished for the same. In the early morning light of my choice this morning of my existence the mind beyond the body lifted my arm and hit me in the chest, three times until a breath was taken which echoed in pain from the toes to the head in returning the energy to the physical. I could not raise the arm physically though spiritually it rose and reactivated a body which as ceased.

At this time of Easter the stories are told of the mortal death of a spiritual being which became known as Jesus. Expiration followed by once again of a body seen to exist. A spiritual being still very aware of his mortal being which had existed but yet of the spiritual existence which always existed and the thought processed never ceased being the gift of Easter in presenting the truth of spiritual existence unconditionally, not conditional on mortality. Christians say he died for their sins – he died to be seen and acknowledge experience of thought is a soul connection rather than a connection of mortality. We are of one mind in the grandiose object of divinity. We exist as all and we exist in never ending thought without linear time or death. How we choose to recreate the thought process at choice takes many physical forms of incarnations in being able to see, hear, touch, smell and hear our thoughts expressed or in any combinations of the senses chosen to complete the thought of life. Celebrate your existence, celebrate your non-ceasing power of connecting thought beyond physical form creating the oneness which is not physical or mortal, yet all.

Happy Easter


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