
Showing posts from December, 2015

Strength of Jacob - story of healing

        Of short stories I have written, this is one of my favorites. On the eve of Winter Solstice and holiday celebration the story seems fitting too send out.                                                      Strength of Jacob Come hither child a story awaits you of being seen in the light of another set of eyes. To take you down this path, close your eyes imagining beauty, which brings joy sending your spirit into flight. Hold this feeling to your heart space and journey now.  In a time long ago as some might think, a very young child became very sad, his life took on the vision of darkness in the space of joy he only knew of life. We will call him Jacob. On one pa...

A reason for the season

I watched the other day as a woman paid for a layaway at Wal Mart. Nothing expensive really in the cart, no high tech toys or what would be considered a large amount of money. What made the heart smile was the way she was smiling constantly as she waited in line. Her happiness was contagious and could not be contained. Items in the cart ranged from what you would buy a baby too small girls which gave an idea of a Christmas morning Santa will be taking credit for. The spirit of the season was shining from the energy she was giving others. In trying to make Christmas a season of spending the most or buying the most possible, we tend to forget that which radiates without words which is most important. This is my favorite season of the year and this year if I can bring to the surface the same energy this woman did for so many others that day, the season will be much more real than anything which can be bought with money. I've known every level of Christmas from the lean to the extre...

Lap full of love - Aidan and grandpa's pups! :-)
