A reason for the season
I watched the other day as a woman paid for a layaway at Wal Mart. Nothing expensive really in the cart, no high tech toys or what would be considered a large amount of money. What made the heart smile was the way she was smiling constantly as she waited in line. Her happiness was contagious and could not be contained. Items in the cart ranged from what you would buy a baby too small girls which gave an idea of a Christmas morning Santa will be taking credit for. The spirit of the season was shining from the energy she was giving others.
In trying to make Christmas a season of spending the most or buying the most possible, we tend to forget that which radiates without words which is most important. This is my favorite season of the year and this year if I can bring to the surface the same energy this woman did for so many others that day, the season will be much more real than anything which can be bought with money. I've known every level of Christmas from the lean to the extreme yet in everything I know,trust and believe I am not sure I truly have bubbled that without the words in the way which she demonstrated to me.
Christmas spirit in truth just can not be bought, the feeling is not for sale - it is free to allow and accept and at times to be felt it has to be seen and absorbed in taking the time to just stand still and breathe the energy of the season in small ways at all times available.
My mother n law would create Christmas throughout the year in gifts she made and my father n law would take to his wood shop and create from his mind and putting the ideas to sketch and form to get it just right! A stack of baby blankets I have from my mother n law are still some of the most treasured gifts received and kept over the years. Yet, how many of us exchange the time of creation in gifting to the money spent in stores and online as being greater than the gifts of unique creation as done in times past. The reason for the season is to find the humble humility from within, to remember to say thank you and to appreciate life as a whole for all the experiences shared.
Looking back and remembering the gift was in those who shared many, many Christmas mornings with you, the events of the years rather than material gain and realizing the beauty of being given life to repeat this day each year from the heart if we stop and take the time. Most could not identify their favorite song of all time but each has a favorite Christmas song. One of my favorite has been Vince Gill and his daughter Jennifer when she was 14. The season passes as a milestone in our lives well remembered. Look for the small stuff and love will surely be found. May this season bring you joy in the very smallest and significant memories for a lifetime. The season of birth, mirth and love individual to each in the way we seek and find the hope, faith, and love of this time. Stand still and enjoy in the least expected ways. The material gifts will pass from thought, the heart gifts will live on.
In trying to make Christmas a season of spending the most or buying the most possible, we tend to forget that which radiates without words which is most important. This is my favorite season of the year and this year if I can bring to the surface the same energy this woman did for so many others that day, the season will be much more real than anything which can be bought with money. I've known every level of Christmas from the lean to the extreme yet in everything I know,trust and believe I am not sure I truly have bubbled that without the words in the way which she demonstrated to me.
Christmas spirit in truth just can not be bought, the feeling is not for sale - it is free to allow and accept and at times to be felt it has to be seen and absorbed in taking the time to just stand still and breathe the energy of the season in small ways at all times available.
Looking back and remembering the gift was in those who shared many, many Christmas mornings with you, the events of the years rather than material gain and realizing the beauty of being given life to repeat this day each year from the heart if we stop and take the time. Most could not identify their favorite song of all time but each has a favorite Christmas song. One of my favorite has been Vince Gill and his daughter Jennifer when she was 14. The season passes as a milestone in our lives well remembered. Look for the small stuff and love will surely be found. May this season bring you joy in the very smallest and significant memories for a lifetime. The season of birth, mirth and love individual to each in the way we seek and find the hope, faith, and love of this time. Stand still and enjoy in the least expected ways. The material gifts will pass from thought, the heart gifts will live on.