Let’s talk Grid lines
Let us talk about Grid lines. In this human world, we have a need and a distinct way to connect a thought with relational physical knowledge, without the relational, we find doubt in the understanding. Years ago, for a time I would go with another and observe Reiki work being done. At this time, relational was not a fixed image – more so theory to be proven in the knowledge of energy work. One session in particular as I sat on the floor by a wall to observe, I could see the flesh of the worker become transparent with only arms of distinct grid lines to be seen. Intricate and perfect lines of grid coming forward in what was presumed a physical body. From this point of observation, my own thought process changed dramatically me understanding how energy interacts and affects energy. We each are a grid of energy, much like you have seen in computer animation before mortal points of detail such as flesh, eyes, hair, etc. change the image into a perception, which becomes understandable. Be...