
Showing posts from April, 2023

Last resort procedure CEA

 A few days ago was a one month follow up on what I was informed prior to of being a last resort procedure to open my left carotid artery. Right already being 100% closed , no danger. Left 90% closed with a stent not being an option due to lesions on the clavical.  I thought so much about it, I had no opinion left on the outcome, it just was beyond any more thought. Take me or keep me God, I give. Before surgery I tried to infor I don’t go to sleep easy. Remember the Anesthesiologist saying “I slipped you a Mickey going through the surgery door and seeing a table with a table pillow, lights so bright I couldn’t see any people.  In what seemed like the blink of an eye I was awake again, actually 5 hours later. My thoracic surgeon did an incredible job in the process and blood is flowing again as if 12 years old. Guess there is still reason to be present here. Namaste