Explosion of the unseen
Explosion of the Unseen
Life would be so easy if in ultimate triumph,
the explosion could be defined.
Not so easily, as you would define a natural or
physical embodied explosion.
However, an explosion of what the world does not
reveal to you.
That which is embodied of spirit, feeling, aspiration, and all in the known world
which adrenaline's you.
Giving you that unseen substance which really governs your eternity.
The ingredients, which combine in creating your internal being,
Derived from infancy, childhood, joy, sorrow, literature, and environment.
In addition, if at some point the energies, which make you an alignment of high energy on intersecting paths; would result in the ultimate explosion.
How now do you explain the aftermath?
Relief, rebuilding, remorse, or re-enactment for the next