Healing experience: man in the room
A healing experience. On this occasion I had made an appointment with a retirement home administrator in Overland Park, Kansas named Tony too try for the opportunity of working with clients/residents for free. On arrival he was busy so I took a seat in the main room where residents were watching TV.
A gentleman about 40ish on a 3 wheel vehicle was watching the set. Though had a blank stare in his eyes. There but not there. I could feel the energy building without being intentional in myself. The more intense, the gentleman started fading into a deep sleep and his head rested on the handlebars of his three wheeler . Knowing he was the intended recipient the energy continued to run until I was called for my appointment to meet with Tony.Upon meeting with him the energy subsided, he was not intended to receive . I excused myself to leave and the gentlemen in the main room, was attempted to be awaken by staff but still asleep. I silently wished him a good day and life.
Unsure how the energy changed him that day, though when put to sleep the work has proven to be complete. Just a sampling of work I do and have done. Not about money, rather the need being fulfilled. I do many things with my Spiritual toolbox. Not with a need to be validated, just being of service as called upon.
Namasre’ God Love and bless.