For only a moment

For only a moment

Sitting on a park bench in the early evening hours on a windy spring day concluding a single moment, takes to canvas of the 
thought just as brush strokes would bring the images to visual interpretation. Young man sharing the picnic table of the 
shelter with his thoughts deeply into a book being read creating his own canvas of the evening while a walking/biking trail 
in the background appears to being trafficked as a road way of relaxation being traveled by walkers, riders, children nestled 
in riders behind parents bikes largely in good spirits with the occasional child or adult balking at the intent of another to 
bring them along on the evening journey. Playground bustling with small children climbing and sliding to squeals of delight 
as adult observes antics possibly being remembered from days gone by. Grandparents slowly swinging a toddler as her 
expressions change from being unsure to accepting the feeling of her short flight through the air in her swing as older girls 
occupy nearby swings showing how swiftly they can sail the breezes to the toddler. Father and son approach on bikes from 
the trail with two plastic squirt guns as the father instructs his son to fill the toys and prompting his son to find other 
children wiling to play and interact for a short time this evening, quickly a line of children surround him anxious to be a part of his moment as they begin to play and exchange the toy guns with one another catching the small streams of water on 
their clothes, face and arms. Interaction in full play floating through the spring breezes and child play being observed while 
two children are finding excitement in being released from their tether of the seat behind a bike, with the older child 
running to join the squirt gun activity and a baby being placed in the grass to touch and play with a substance maybe 
foreign to him until this moment gently touching and releasing his hands from the earth while watching the expressions on 
his mothers face securing acknowledgment in his young mind and affirmation life is alright even sitting in this space of 
greenery. Constant flocking of birds flies from the trees behind the trail to circle and watch with an occasional squirrel 
coming into the midst in curiosity and hope a child might drop a particle of the many snacks attempting to be held while 
maneuvering over the playground obstacles. Blue skies with clouds moving swiftly through the air as tree branches sway 
with the force of the air at times swiftly then settling into a brief calm before the next wave of movement starts. Very 
young baseball player’s start swinging their small bats awaiting a practice time scheduled in a nearby field, minds 
seasonably occupied in future events of the night and dreams being realized as they remember and attempt to see 
themselves as larger adults viewed in the past memories of their minds. Basketball players rush to the hoop in play in the 
parking lot, blocking, shooting and running to defend their positions on the court as they play a fast paced game seemingly 
loving the chance of bringing together the opponents to make tonight a success.

All images painted to memory from a moment of observation and inhaling life surrounded by activity on this eve of spring 
at a moment in time. One moment, one set of images never to be revealed again as seen physically though replayed from 
a canvas painted to the mind and images held.

 Observed by one, missed by others as moments are painted differently through each moment of our existence as we flow through the breezes of our minds and lives in the creation of either memories of fleeting passing moments left to escape observation unperceptive to time we see as fleeting rather than full of life. Are the moments lost through non-reflection or are they stored through the eyes of the soul constantly interpreting 
on a sub-conscious level for possible recall with our choosing on the level of interpreting and remembering as we stream 
unconsciously through a conscious world. 

Missing and forgoing the imprints we are given to observe in a rush to a future more anticipated event of our creating already seen with greater importance than what we have let slip into an oblivious 
process of movement each day as we paint the canvas on never ending story without review of that which was given. 
The young man sharing this table engrossed in his book is not without doing the same in a process of future remembering 
of surroundings and fulfillment as the pages turned into a world of words being explored. Parents focused intently on their 
children playing on the gyms and slides have not lost this moment as a future memory, only processing the thoughts to 
share later through the many forms of media they hold and expand life with another who is not present. A son with two 
squirt guns filled with water who attracted so many other children for play carries a memory of sharing and co –existing 
through the use of tool available in a single moment. A baby boy touching the grass carries the memory as his future steps 
will be made over the tops of a fabric today seen as so foreign but now accepted. Children balking at the thought of walks 
on the trail or partners who spent the moment exchanging words of unwillingness to walk together for a few moments will 
hold future walks without grimace in the stroll.

All observed, perceived , learning moments of life – yet a single moment filled with many moments synchronized as one, 
only one spread over canvases painted in the minds of many with no two images being quite the same. What detail of your 
day in a single moment have you taken time to see and really be a part of your existence as others stream through your 
life? Your choice, your life, your observance and your opportunity to be a part of life which will not be returned in this life journey, only reviewed if the painting as been stored through your eyes of the soul and microphones of the heart.



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