Power of the lamb

Chapter Five Moniko Listens to the Lambs 

f all the beings in the Sun, Moniko held a special fondness for the lambs. The lambs had been born in the Sun since Creation. They were considered the storytellers. Each lamb was a kind loving being called to witness many journeys beyond Moniko’s home in the Sun. Moniko so loved to sit surrounded by the lambs to be told of the many adventures traveled and witnessed by their soft loving eyes. 
As Moniko sat with the lambs near the base of the mountain, he asked for a story to be told. Two of the lambs came and sat near Moniko, one on each side. 
“Moniko, at this moment we shall share a story that was journeyed. 
“As we were playing in the fields at the base of the mountain, the Elder approached our flock. The Elder asked for two lambs that would choose to journey to Earth with the Elder. The Elder told us that at this time on Earth a special land was to become home for a group of travelers from the Sun. Much unrest was in the Earth world, and to be a part of this journey would be very special. 
“The two lambs agreed to join the Elder for the journey. With a wave of energy from the Elder, the two lambs appeared in a place that was very much like their home in the Sun. The beauty they found was breathtaking. 
“At this moment, though, the Sun was disappearing and the moon was rising to light the way for a group of weary travelers. The Elder had brought the two lambs to join the weary travelers, who were wandering to what seemed to be an unknown destination. It seemed peculiar to the lambs, but they felt very safe with the Elder. The Elder was leading the group of travelers on a journey. He seemed to be very deep in thought as he walked ahead of the group. He also seemed to be walking as if the knowledge of this journey was not understood. 
“‘Elder’ the lambs asked, “Why is it that this group seems to lack joy?” 
“The Elder responded, ‘They have chosen to leave a home that was familiar to them on Earth, in search of joy and peace.’ 
“‘Is peace a place on Earth?’ the lambs inquired. “‘No, peace is very much a feeling of the heart, as in the Sun,’ the Elder replied. ‘We have walked away from what is known as home to return to a home that is of memory. When this home is found, peace will be of the heart.’ 
  • “‘Elder, do you walk without peace?’ asked the lambs.
“‘I walk in peace with the voice of the Father of the Elders. I listen in deep thought to the knowledge of the Father who knows how to deliver those I am traveling with to their home. But yet I feel the pain and fear of those who do not have the understanding of the direction we are walking. To understand and feel their hearts that are crying in agony and fear, my walk needs to be strong so they might have hope and strength. The travelers are carrying a feeling of the Earth, which brings them discomfort. They hunger; their babies cry from hunger, heat and cold. Not all will complete the journey. Some will return to our home in the Sun before we reach our desired home on Earth.’ 
“‘What is it that you require on the journey, Elder, from two small lambs? For we are too small to carry these travelers.’ 
“‘I ask now that each of you finds a companion in this group. You will know your companions when you see them,’ the Elder replied to the lambs. 
“The two little lambs thought of what the Elder had requested. 
“‘Will our companions be of a human traveler, a being of this Earth?’ inquired the lambs. 
“‘Let your heart connect without judgment,’ said the Elder. 
“The two lambs then became part of the traveling group. As they wandered among the travelers, their hearts were open to finding companions. Four cycles of the Sun passed; the lambs were yet to connect with their companions. Though they connected to all with their hearts, the connection was not to just one traveler. 
“The two lambs returned to the Elder. 
“‘Elder, for four sun cycles we have searched for a single companion, but have not been able to choose just one. We feel what the heart holds for each traveler, without feeling that one is to be more connected to us than the others. We call upon your wisdom, Elder, to assist with the task that you requested.’ 
“The Elder stooped down and paused on his walk. “‘You two have not found a single companion, and this is as the Father of the Elders has intended. How would it be possible on a journey such as this one? To connect to one, is to separate from another in some form. Is the journey traveled in order to fulfill the peace and hope for just one, or is it for all? My two little companions from the Sun, you have done well. 

“‘Be not of the choice to separate one from another. Love is without separation, love connects to all. Go now to the group and connect your heart energy to each wanderer, unlimited by the form or need of the travelers. Walk with the humans and play with all beings. Smell the beauty of the Earth, that all will share the love that you bring to each heart.’ 
“The two lambs then freely walked and played with the travelers. As they did, the travelers walked, played and learned to be as the lambs. The two lambs walked for a very long time. As they walked with the travelers, the hearts of the group were no longer without joy, nor did their thoughts dwell upon what was, what is, or what the future would provide at the end of the journey. 
“Many of the travelers ended the journey before the walk with the Elder was completed. They returned home to the Sun in joy and peace, having learned from the knowledge of the lambs. The two lambs finished the journey with the Elder. The Elder returned the traveling group to a home of memories that they held. As the journey ended, the Elder held the two lambs, and all three returned to their home in the Sun.” 
As Moniko finished listening to the story from the two lambs on the mountain, the Elder appeared. 
“Elder,” Moniko asked, “Why is it that you only chose two lambs for the journey, when so many travelers were feeling without peace and hope? If you had had all the lambs of the flock join on the journey, there would have been much joy and peace and a greater amount of love.” 
“Moniko,” the Elder replied, “Two lambs were all that were chosen of the flock to assist on the journey. If I 
were to take the entire flock, would that not have shown that love is derived of abundance? Love is a connecting flow like a great river. As the water flows, all that is touched feels the same presence. Such as it is with two lambs, or two drops of water becoming a flow into multitudes of hearts. For love has not a start nor end, but a moment when the heart is touched and made to feel connected to our home in the Sun.” 

Moniko smiled and gently hugged the Elder. “This I understand, Elder, with the knowledge of the story of the lambs.”


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