How do you say goodbye?
How do you say goodbye?
“I won’t tell him goodbye!” – are the words I heard today from my daughter. Her boss, who has also watched over her like a surrogate father for years now – has fought a valiant fight with cancer for the last two years, went into a short remission and faced with long term pain in treatment opposed to living the life he has remaining, has chosen how to spend his final months with his family. Traveling and seeing what he is able to complete in the time given. He told my daughter today he has already received his award – he is going home when this is over. Hard words to hear for the living who will remain, there is always a feeling if you coax harder, work harder the miracle will come, and I do believe the same if the person making the choice has a greater desire to stay than leave. I have seen the miracles happen and felt the grip let go, always in choice. He spoke to my daughter today in how he feels blessed in finishing some moments in life he always wanted too and being able to say goodbye. A strongly religious man, he is prepared for this cycle of life to end.
How do you really say goodbye? Maybe you don’t, if the goodbye comes with seeing today as the cycle already completed rather than accepting the joy and daily life that still remains , loving, caring and being life for that person. Listening, sharing stories, and allowing them to embrace the choice and yet embracing their life. I have lost ones I loved, both through illness, and sudden death, the time for the true goodbye and grieving will come soon enough – let it have it’s own time when the breath of life no longer exists. Laugh with them, cry with them, be the hope and strength ,when needed or requested – yet follow their lead rather than impose a lead of your own.
Mortality and grieving is for the living, for those who pass it does not exist – it is ours to bear. Today, no easy answers came for my daughter or will there be a unique answer to give. Over the last year, she has lost people she loved to traffic accidents, suicide and long term illnesses, this is not new to her. The connection she made with this person , set him aside in his own space in her heart where he will always exist. Letting go will not be easy, though I pray the strength he is showing her will make It easier, I can’t do that within the connection I do not exist in how they understand each other. My wish for him is that all the trips he has planned will come first, his family will carry those memories. My wish for her is to continue to see his happiness in the decision he made and understanding he put the quality of his life before the quantity. For all I only wish them peace, because there really isn’t any way to say goodbye when love is kept in the heart, or need be.