Pollution and a time of pause
More times than not the universe will use Mother Nature in making changes and to rive a point home. With Coronavirus, pollution has been a participant.Different epicenters across the globe whether CA,NY or Europe and Asia, as numbers began to improve the pollution which had been known and accepted began to dissipate ,skies began to clear over LA, up and down the east coast, over China, Europe etc.. a visible change in the skies, not clearly remembered in a long time.Pollution lifting to clearer tomorrow’s. Hope showing through-to a new day. Returning to a world as before will not happen, as time goes on the world which was will become only a memory. How we live, educate, connect and why has yet to unfold. A less polluted world through are actions, choices, needs believed to be, appreciated thoughts of each other or known past desires or priorities have changed. Who you are Spiritually has changed as well. Being only part of the picture no longer will be found ...