Letter to God

Have you ever sat down and written your thoughts to God? Wrote this years ago on Easter after watching a show on Netflix. 

Being Easter, seemed like the day should is spent doing something in relation to God/Jesus, and creation or the cycle historically noted from the Bible. Do not take this as blasphemy just thoughts I have to God in review. Taking note the source of this review is from the Bible series on Netflix and the interpretation of the producers of the series.

First, the Bible should be R rated for violence, as this was rampant through the stories told. Second, I did not complete all episodes yet, making the thoughts based only on what was shown in conjecture to the representation of the Bible. Overall, those portrayed throughout telling the history contributed to a cycle of those portrayed who were short on faith after receiving the blessings or spiritual tools. Becoming manipulators of power received and those who were given tasks, which either took a longer duration of time with faith being held for an extensive period before completion such as Moses, Noah, or Abraham.

Quicker to gain blessing and losing sight of Faith became part of the write of David. Intertwined with both perspectives in the story of Sodom and Saul. Once the messages were given free will either seemed to fuel the faith and trust or lost to the ego representation of being one and separate from the message or tools given for fulfillment. Cycles still being repeated here in the 21st century when a message is seen as a moneymaker for the recipient or a linking of power, which rises above another as a whole in the life experience.

So who is not learning here that old methods are not working in mortality over thousands of centuries? Fifty-yard dash or marathon, seeming to determining the outcome. Ministers, which had created mega churches now being termed as disgraced. Political leaders being ousted in self-gain with both acceptance and disgrace determined on public agreement. Infidelity of trust and actions commonplace depending on the level of fall out in doing so.

Therefore, God, you helped create the chaos of mortality, assigned free will that affects and falls upon following of lack of faith and trust. A spiritual ozone level portal has been created which has a super-highway opened up in deliverance and return trying to balance the influx about as effectively as speed limits on the autobahn. Repeated violence, which takes innocent lives at the hands of the one being unscrupulous, is not the answer. In connecting the dots of energy felt and reciprocated on in the process through innocents needs to be changed to removing the power from the spark of energy creating the turmoil.

Tools being used for material gain without balance of being available to all possibly need the tools removed. Our Earth is heaving God in absorbing this influx to the core, splitting, and signaling creatures on both land and sea to find a new balance in response to the unbalanced energy seen as humans. Distraught land and sea energy imploding upon the levels of continuity not being found. God, in your book of the Bible snakes and fire are used to portray your being as either being communicative or levels of being. A snake is the root energy of mortality, whether it is chosen to rise or fall is very distinct on the evolvement and methods of energy being used by each creature used to exhibit them in this world. Calming the snake or root energy calms the chaos of this world. An influx of balanced snake energy God would go a long way. A bit more of holding accountable a single energy creating chaos and corruption rather than displaying the change over aimless followers would be a turning point God, how about trying it?

We are all one in many forms, yet one for all and all for one needs to be shown a new truth in better utilization of the super-highway being known as being contained from within each rather than outside in another super-natural form. Readjustment of a miniature world God might be a thought. Repeating cycles of time and accepting a realization that repeating is the answer to growth rather than growing from the reverse of Jacob’s ladder might be a needed change God. Visibly showing the mirror between mortality and immortality could be a needed change. Removing the veil, which becomes a mask of being held accountable might help?

Your stories are ages old God, the new stories are needed which are now repetitious of what is known. At this stage of mortality the future or unknown is truly only being guessed at, could be time for the guessing to be more of the now? You can do that God, you already have behind the mirror or blue screen which separates and known and the feared.

The now is here, the future is the past, and the desire to move into a new cycle of truth is timely. Globally this world is waiting in a time where time does not exist. Up for showing the truth God, the world is ready. We bless you in your time of decision.


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