Fly high and walk freely Jeff ~Ode to brothers of my heart~

2005, year in which I launched my own branding in this cyber world known as My Spiritual Windows, read Celestine Prophecy and knew in my future a friend called Jeff would cross my path. Celestine Prophecy opened myself to synchronicity and pushed a door of thought even wider. As with other writings whether the Bible, Chronicles of Barnabus, Antiquities of Josephus or other written forms of documentation, each brought a wider scope of understanding what has been, still is and how individual change brings rippled change as well, whether past, present and future in an illusion of time mortality is dependent on in life of the planet.

Each serving the offering of truth we may either accept in being resoundingly familiar or left for another to accept the offering in walking the same yet varied route of the soul. All personal choice. What I have chosen to read, experience and accept offering as given in turn became part of who I am.

2007,  my brother passed from this world in July unexpectedly sudden in his sleep after returning home from work. Shocking all who knew him, family and friends alike. Very gentle soul removed as if he left the room without a goodbye. When this happens the removal from your world can feel like a part of your heart is removed as well and termed in our world as grief, a disconnection which only our timeline once again can reseal the broken heart into a whole piece of who you are again. In this year I also met Jeff, another gentle soul who opened even more doors of thought through the volumes of Jeff. Witnessing his pain of loss himself with a partner and his mother, each time also expanded my knowledge and experience as well. Speaking with him I gained further validation of my own tools in life available and expanded what I thought spiritually to what had not been said or experienced before. His mother showed how mortal and spiritual separate at the point of “death” and further showed how death does not exist, only a veiled division point in making life continuable and death accepted through grief.

2018, once again here in July another was lost from this world in Jeff. The silent stalker of death came to his sleep and woke him up – not in our world but in his soul truth. Once agin many hearts are feeling the fracture of a grieving heart which will find itself whole again with all time needed. Jeff loved this world, nature and was a sponge soaking up the quest of his journey. Committed to the Earth in a green ceremony part of Jeff will be part of this Earth far beyond all known people and activities of today. What was, will feed what will be and what has yet to be known on this Earth in the form of a tree. His tree may see a new world of the future or the apocalypse of actions man chose to be a part of. All of our choice. When I heard of his death , news which was unreal or surreal at the same time. I could feel his peace and yet did not find the tears. He did not fracture my heart in grief, rather my thoughts went back to the Celestine Prophecy of so many years ago and transition from being such an isolated part of all to being free to be all chosen to be.

People come into our lives for a reason, to grow and share their volumes of experience so we might grow as Jeff’s tree and withstand the winds of time and if not return as the Phoenix to recreate in any moment. Jeff and my brother were much alike; strengths, gentleness, in awe of life whether nature or technical movement, the arts of film and being yet appreciative and yet discerning in how information was absorbed at face value without finding that “piece” which plants like a seed within all of us. Grows and changes the windows and doors we believed to see perfectly and yet a change of color and hue on either creates new mystique.

Someone told me this week I would find in my own way how to keep memories alive for Jeff. With my thoughts given to a platform we refer to as cyber which is more limitless than we have measure of, like sound Jeff you will always be available to the universe, to truth and our world as well. Godspeed brothers, one by blood/heart and the other by heart as well. You are both limitless in a form we as the human form have not yet to fully absorb. Blessings and as we send you offerings of love, watch over us and always be the gentle guides which correct and teach the humble still veiled in one respect or another.

Both brothers mentioned left this world at 57, in July of different years.



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