Inspiring to Heal


The power of inspiration holds healing powers to the spirit in turn creating change in a physical body as well. A hospice patient I now work with, when first seen had little will with an energy body/aura which hung very close to her body. I remember commenting to an individual with me on first sight “she does not have long”. He said she was the same since going into hospice.

Being in a situation where I did not feel free to use energy with her as I knew, then prompted to inspire the spirit of who she was. No guarantees, yet a method each could do just in being part of humanity. From the next visit on, I made it my goal to inspire and infuse her spirit again of simply enough enjoying and becoming part of living again. Her body rigid to work with and little assistance in change, the goal was to bring change.

Day after day, though compliant change was slow. Though the more I felt a will to help which changed my energy being extended. Days now started to bring subtle changes at first, yet her spirit/aura was becoming stronger. Rigid limbs becoming more flexible. What was thought to be a permanent device on her to assist was removed and has not been replaced. She was amazing and as so letting her feel and hear how amazing she was, how much she had improved – she became a more active participant of her own inspiring to heal. Gaining weight not expected, from not using her feet and legs to using her feet and maneuver the chair. Taking steps in walking not attempted when we met.

Inspiration and being inspired has become contagious in her changes in using her voice, taking an interest in daily life and complimenting others for what they do as well. Living with inspiration. Drugs once considered to be a constant addition for pain now rarely being requested. Today, she went into her pain clinic and heard the nurse call her the miracle lady and a smile came across her face. Preparing for the clinic visit today she spent one hour picking just the right clothes, shoes, accessories for her visit to the frustration of her mate feeling she might be late. I told him to just be grateful she was such a classy lady!

Being aware of the strides she has made over the last month effortlessly in the sense of not being subject to any regiment medically, her spirit and personality which shows through is many times just fun! The future is unknown, still being under hospice care as a rule testing or care used in healing is not part of her medical protocol. At this time, moment in time she is allowing herself to feel vibrant and active participant in living.

Inspiration can not be bought, can not be said without being felt, with a power to grow in the spirit and energy of a recipient. Felt by the soul in a way which can not be duplicated artificially. For her, she has nothing to lose only gain and intake life and energy. To accomplish the strides no longer thought possible, to let go of thoughts of any lack and to grow spirit/aura energy – to live.


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